This is an essay that will look into the pros and cons of collage students securing a part time job. Collage costs have skyrocketed and the young adults want some extra cash that can give them power and some freedom. For those students who come from unprivileged families, for them taking a part time job is a necessity rather than a choice. They do work not only to save for collage but also to support or compliment their family income (Schifferdecker par. 2). Finding a balance between collage and job is though the greatest challenge to most students (Santrock and Halonen 80).
Benefits of a part-time job
There are several pros for one to take a part time job; studies show that students who have part time jobs have better time management time skills and are more confident than their peers who have no jobs. A collage student who works is taught work skills (by the job) that they are not taught in school, it instills confidence, independence and a sense of responsibility; this also reinforces what they are taught in school ((Schifferdecker par.3). Thus securing a job is a step to maturity
Collage students who work also have skills and experience they will need for the rest of their lives like how to fill an application form, how to get along with seniors and fellow workmates, how to take an interview and also the much needed experience on certain tasks. Studies have also shown that students who work between 10-15 hours a week during the school year earn better grades than those who do not work at all. Job can also help students to explore their potential career paths. Employers can write recommendation letters for students who have worked with them hence they can easily secure employment (Schifferdecker par. 3)
The same studies also show that students who work for 13-15 hours a week often receive lower grades which may lead to dropping out altogether. Working long hours can limit opportunities like building friendships and explore interests. Overworked students exercise and sleep less and spend less time with their families and due to overwork they are likely to use illegal drugs and alcohol ((Schifferdecker par.4 and Santrock & Halonen 80).
Balancing college and work
The importance of managing and balancing time is vital for college students. Students need to evaluate themselves with the help of a counselor to ensure that the job will not affect his/her studies. The following can be used as a guide if one needs to work and balance time for class; limit work as possible to about 15 hours a week to have enough time for class work. Work in campus if possible so as to connect with other fellow students. Also investigate work study options as some jobs can horn your skills for future careers, looking for a job that satisfies one’s needs and goals is also important (Santrock and Halonen 80).
Due to high costs of college education, some students do engage in part time jobs to not only pay for their fees but also get services that extra money brings. The benefits for a part time job ranges from helping the student feel confident and independent to being responsible with both time and money management. Jobs can also help students help students know how to get along with their superiors and co-workers while exploring potential career paths. The challenges include alienating the students from extracurricular activities and socialization while those who work long hours are likely to score lower grades and as a result engage in use of illegal drugs and alcohol.