It is clear that the world is experiencing a water crisis now. This shortage has been occasioned by a number of factors including increasing in human population and destruction of water catchment areas. Since 19th century, the world’s population has been multiplying at an alarming rate. This situation has put an enormous strain on the available water sources resulting in a water crisis. The world has resources that can only support a given number of inhabitants. The current increase in human population presents an enormous strain on the resources available. The other factor that has resulted in the current water crisis is the environmental pollution. Emission of excess amounts of carbon dioxide gas has affected natural, climatic conditions significantly leading to prolonged drought in most parts of the globe (Brown, 27-31).
Studies have shown that, in as much as tripled in the 20th century, the consumption of renewable water resources has increased significantly leading to a serious water crisis. The ever expanding industrialization and urbanization have significantly encroached water sources and thus diminishing the water table. Most countries are increasingly expanding their economies and urban centers without a clear environmental assessment impact. The need for safe drinking water, on the other hand, is increasing drastically. Most people in impoverished countries have no access to safe drinking water. Their natural sources either have dried or have been wiped out by industrialization forces.
Even without industrialization and urbanization, the current human population alone presents a threat to water sources. Water is an essential commodity to living organisms. The ratio of water to living organisms has surpassed the recommended levels meaning that certain sections of the inhabitants may not have access to water. The United Nations estimated that the two thirds of the worlds 2.6 billion have no access to safe drinking water. The same body further projected that an overwhelming 3900 children die every day from water related diseases. These statistics were obtained from people who live in extreme poverty. They do not include people from developed countries. However, this should not be construed to mean that rich people do not have water shortage problem. Indeed they have grave water shortage problems resulting to water borne diseases (Interlandi, & Ryan, 40-43).
People in developed countries have been forced to adopt new technologies to supplement natural water sources. The use of renewable water has grown by 60% in developed countries. This is meant to cushion the population from serious water crisis.
Agriculture has been badly affected by water shortage. Although most countries have bolstered their food security, this has not been an effortless task. Water supply to irrigation schemes has depleted tremendously leaving farmers with no other sources of water. Farmers in arid regions have been badly affected by the water shortage. The irrigation schemes have suffered critical water shortages leading up to 90% disconnections. Efforts to sink bore holes to supplement natural sources of water have not been fruitful. The water table has depleted seriously. This is a clear indication that water resources are depleting in the face of cruel human encroachment.
This situation demonstrates clearly that, in the foreseen future, the world will not have enough water for agriculture and other industrial uses. There will be massive food shortage occasioned by water shortage. Already, arid areas in sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing phenomenal drought spells lasting up to five years. The horn of Africa has been badly hit by water shortage creating a serious humanitarian crisis. Experts won that desert conditions are increasingly encroaching on other areas leaving the inhabitants of those areas in acute water shortage (Interlandi, & Ryan, 40).
Efforts by United Nations humanitarian bodies to alleviate water shortage in the horn of Africa have not been successful because of the unfriendly climate. Water crisis does not affect human beings alone. The entire ecosystem and its dependant species needs water to flourish. This has been difficulty in the face of as the water shortage has created imbalances in the ecosystem. Hundreds of thousands of animals have died because of drought leaving farmers with no source of livelihood. In the past decade alone, the horn of African has lost over a million cattle to drought related problems. Farmers have been forced to abandon their homes in search of water. Their destination has been in United Nations camps where water and food rations are supplied to inhabitants.
Scarcity of water resources has further promoted tension among some communities in regions that are worst affected by the water shortage. An imbalance between water resources and water consumption has led to water stress. Communities that ones existed in harmony started fighting over limited resources. This phenomenon best illustrates how water has become scarce. Living organisms have attendance to compete for limited resources. The same tendency is being experienced among human beings as they rage over waters sources. This is a clear indication that indeed water has become scarce. This tension is likely to escalate as most river basins are faced with the danger of extinction. Most communities share water bodies meaning that if these resources will further decrease, tension will worsen among communities.
Water crisis is likely to worsen because of the current levels of pollution. Emissions from industries have led to an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere posing a serious challenge to the environment. Experts estimate that china alone emits 6.8 billion tones of carbon dioxide per year. Carbon dioxide emissions have increased world temperatures leading to prolonged drought in some part of the globe. The same situation has led to increased evaporation causing water sources to dry up. This might not make sense to most people living in the United States because of the prevailing weather conditions in this area. The truth of the matter is that most water sources in arid areas found in the tropics like the horn of Africa have dried up. These areas are recording highest temperatures ever recorded in history (Macdonald, 44-60).
The clearance of forests to pave the way for construction and agriculture has immensely contributed to the current water shortage. Most natural forests acted as water catchment areas. They also had a positive impact on the weather patterns because they played a significant role in the natural water cycle. Rivers and lakes have dried up creating a vacuum in the water cycle thus leading to limited amounts of rainfall. In the Middle East for instance, water scarcity has been a source of conflict between Israel and Syria.
There has been tension on the past between Syria, Iraq and turkey created solely because of water scarcity. Egypt has been embroiled in a ten year conflict with other countries over the use of the river Nile water. Egypt wants a significant share in the use of the river Nile water while other countries also demand exclusive rights to use waters from the same river. The issue has generated a lot of international debate with Egypt alleging that river Nile is the only source of water in the country. Without this river, Egypt will have no water for either domestic or industrial use. There is a correlation between water and the current world crisis. Every country is exploring the possibility of renewable sources of water to supplement natural sources. In the future, it will be difficulty for people to access natural sources of water. All will have dried up on cleared to pave the way for construction. This phenomenon presents a monumental challenge to the availability of safe water for consumption (Macdonald, 44).