Various Types of Slavery before 1500
Various forms of slavery existed before 1500. Among these was the chattel slavery. In this form of slavery the slave is treated as the master’s property. In the 1500, slaves that worked in the cotton and sugarcane plantations were particularly treated in this manner. They were bought and sold as one would do with a personal property.
Forced labor is another historical type of slavery in the period before 1500. In this type of slavery, the slaves were put to work for free in the farms as laborers and in homes as domestic workers but strictly under the instructions of the slave owners and without pay. The slaves are punished and work with restrictions with limited freedom and much violence.
Slave Demand in America after 1600
The rise in demand of slaves in America after 1600 was caused by several factors. The1793 cotton gin invention steadily increased the demand for slaves in America. Before this invention the slaves were needed to separate the cotton hull from the seeds and prepare cotton for marketing. With this invention, also came the need for more slaves in the cotton plantations to plant and harvest the crop.
The slaves that were captured in the period beginning 1600 were majorly captured because of the rising demand for labor in the plantation farms. In the South the demand was caused by existing large plantations of sugarcane, coffee and cocoa. The sugar business was particularly booming that more slaves were needed for labor provision and to meet the insatiable demand. Around 1610, there was the Indian source of slaves that appeared tempting especially with the reduction mission that the Jesuits started to create east of Paraguay.
Christian and Muslim Justifications of Slavery
Slaver is justified in Christianity with reference to curse of Ham. A slave is supposed to own nothing and to be loyal to the master. The existence of slavery is thus justified in both Christianity and Islamic religion. However, both of the teachings advocate for the treatment of the slaves with dignity by the slave master. Although there are difference on the Christian side slavery is largely justified in both the Muslim and Christian doctrines.