A good management plan for teachers is an indispensable tool to ensure improved learning among their students. It gives the general direction of the class which makes it easier for it to realize its goals and mission. It is therefore the role of a teacher, like me, to ensure this is in place. To start with, a good teacher should be a role model and inspirational to the students. I will ensure that I facilitate learning through being a good example. Normally, students tend to learn a lot of things by emulating their elders. Doing so, I will ensure that am organized, neat and always punctual in class. This will give the students no basis of carrying themselves in other ways . I will also ensure that I am stern but fair. Being stern will help me assert some dominion over the students. As much as that may sound unsuitable, students, especially those in their adolescence stage of growth, need a lot of supervision when it comes to following directives. This is the stage where young people tend to be rebellious. Therefore, to instill obedience, one has to be stern especially in issuing rules and regulations. Fairness will see me not exploiting or mistreating them but dealing with them ethically.
I will expect my students to follow the suit and be punctual. Absenteeism will not be condoned in my class as it interferes with learning process, unless the student has a valid reason to be absent. Such acts will attract the appropriate discipline measures. The students are also expected to be accountable. When a student has done a mistake, I expect them to come and report the case before I find out. This will enable us solve the issue under relaxed circumstances, unlike the tensed environment characterized when a teacher discovers a mistake in the class. The decisions made will therefore be sober and not emotionally instigated. During the examination periods , I expect the students with mediocre grades to come for consultation without me making a follow up. I will also expect the students to be responsible. This involves accomplishing homework and assignments in time and delivering the scripts for marking before the deadline. Responsibility will also ensure that they follow the set rules and regulations without strict supervision. Punctuality is also another aspect that is expected from them. Punctuality will not only ensure good time management but also adequate coverage of topics in class. This includes swift response to bells and avoiding wasting time when settling down during subject changes.
In my class, I will ensure that everybody has freedom of expression. If one student feels like some certain conditions are unsuitable for him/her, it is up to me to initiate a forum where these are discussed. In so doing, I will enable a class meeting system where students raise issues and possibilities exploited to ensure an all inclusive decision. Therefore, my mode of decision making will be all inclusive. Thus, I will be the regulator of the freedom to ensure that some students do not take it for granted and take advantage of it. Adjustments will be made by me where necessary in any decision made. This will ensure that even if the students are free to make decisions, they go about it responsibly. I will also ensure fairness in issuing or formulating directives. This will ensure that all students feel equally appreciated. I will also establish a rapport and good contact between me and the students which will encourage them to consult freely where there is a need. This will also help the students to identify themselves with the class and be happy and proud about it.
I will do my best to help my students to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. This is by avoiding the large back-up system. Since the administration is not familiar with my students as I good as am, I will ensure to do everything I can to handle the situations unless it really calls for a higher authority. In case a student has done a mistake, I will take the initiative to correct them in class in a manner that will less likely embarrass them but still assert my authority. This will not only help the students to learn but also will serve as a learning moment for other students. I will offer mentorship services to cultivate a closer relationship between me and my students individually. This will not only reinforce their confidence in me but also help me know different situations, characters and background of each student specifically. In so doing, these factors will be greatly considered when making decisions. For instance, students with Asperger’s Syndrome are expected to have difficulties in social interaction and therefore handling their issues must take into consideration their medical conditions. I will also ensure that I maintain contact with the parents of each student. This will help me learn more about the students for me to help them. It will also provide me a basis for the consultation in case some peculiar changes are noticed in a student.
When misbehavior occurs, I will be hesitant to refer the students to the offices unless the situation commands that a referral to the office is made. I will ensure to consider some actions as misbehavior, based on the information I have about the students. Take for example a person who suffers from ASD, they usually have problems with social interactions and may express interest in things that are generally considered stereotypes. In such situation, intervention should be done carefully not to make them feel segregated. In case the student has a habit of repeating the misbehavior, I will sternly intervene and send him/her to my office. This will enable me to talk to them extensively and even impose further disciplinary measures where necessary.
I will introduce the system of management during the class meeting which will give me the time to explain it to them. I will start by telling the student that rules and regulations are not set to alienate the students from the teachers but to bring them closer. The rules only ensure that in the close relationship between the teachers and the students, they do not overstep the position. I will therefore continue to make clarifications and emphasis on the points I feel are most important. This will include the issue on punctuality, accountability, and responsibility.