The launching of the Hula-Hoop Challenge campaign that is set to rely entirely on public relation oriented campaign makes use of the ROPE model. The ROPE model develops media oriented relations with respect to the campaign that establishes the Hula-Hoop Challenge game that correspond to the interest of the target market.
The actual venture consideration aims at setting the actual GameBox-2 to reach a wider target market through the introduction of fitness oriented games that is appreciated by a wide range of audience. The specific Hula-Hoop Challenge game plan is designed to aid in the agility as well as cardiac oriented exercise among the consumers. The target market for the GameBox-2 hula-hoop game is the elderly in the society who are between 60 and 70 years old as well as the young female adults of age of 20- to 30 years old. The set group of audience that the GameBox-2 Hula-Hoop Challenge targets prefer to use the GameBox game for the actual agility as well as cardiovascular oriented exercise, as the health related value is their priority and not enjoyment and fun. The company is dedicated to make use of the public relation campaigns through the media in a bid to successful launching of the Hula-Hoop Challenge game. The list of the preferred media groups includes; the use of local magazine oriented campaigns such as the New York Times media group and the Sun (Bobbitt & Sullivan, 2009). Internet oriented advertisements will largely depend on the use of twitter as well as Facebook. The internet design reaches the audience comprising of individuals aged between 20 and 30 years old and lastly the television-oriented campaigns such as the venture into BBC media group (Bobbitt & Sullivan, 2009). In the recent past, young members of the society, especially the youths have been the main consumers and the target market for the GameBox-2 oriented companies. The interest of the company to expand its market to accommodate the elderly and the young women is only possible through setting up of competitive and results oriented campaigns. It is mandatory to set up realistic goals and define the objectives appropriately for the campaigns to be successful.
The main objectives of the public relation campaigns set up with respect to the Hula-Hoop Challenge video game, is to expand the audience of the product. The campaign sets to obtain a target market design that includes the elderly senior citizens who are between 60 to 70 years old as well as the young women citizens who are between 20 to 30 years old. The set target market is in addition to the original audience who were teenagers who are between 10 to 17 years old. The campaign should obtain at least 20% positive media related coverage. In addition, the campaign is set to attain endorsement of the New York Times as well as the Sun media and the BBC television based coverage. On the other hand, the attainment of 4500 million like hits on a weekly basis on the facebook page and approximately 360000 twitter followers is set as a priority in the public relation campaigns. The campaign sets to boost the fitness oriented GameBox-2 market with respect to the Hula-Hoop Challenge from 22% to 42% in the game account of the market within 2 years of time. In addition, the campaign sets to maintain the above average increase segment with respect to the global oriented entertainment companies all through the years. Nevertheless, focus is in the increase of GameBox-2 related revenue from the calculated $350 million to increase the profitability scale of the Hula-Hoop Challenge in the video game-oriented market.
The planning as well as the actual execution procedure involves the use of controlled media techniques with generous financial investment in the popular television as well as the newspaper and other media companies. Constant interesting updates on the internet-oriented media that compels the target audience to like as well as take an interest in the Hula-Hoop Challenge game with emphasis put on the fitness value of the game. The generous media oriented investment is in place because of the need to attain the 20% set objective on the popular media oriented positive coverage. By emphasizing on the agility as well as the cardiovascular oriented exercise value of Hula-Hoop Challenge, the campaign captures young women adults as well as the elderly population. This is because the young women and the senior citizens, who are keen on matters of fitness and general good health status, will feel the need to invest in the product and so increase the actual game account of Hula-Hoop Challenge in the market (Eastin, Daugherty & Burns, 2011). The expanded market of the hula-hoop challenge will directly increase the profitability scale of video game oriented market to exceed the set $350 million dollars per annum.
Currently the fitness-oriented games takes up to 22 per cent of the GameBox-2 based market. However, the figure will sky rocket after the campaign to account for approximately 42 percent of the total market of the Game Box-2. The realization of the expected increase will take place within the period of two years from the time of initializing the campaign. In addition, the increase in the audience will lead to a corresponding increase in the profit generation as well as the global base games expenditure. The expenditure on the global related games will exceed $48 billion within a period of three years after the actual initialization of the hula-hoop challenge campaign.