Kimberley Electrical Supplies Ltd falls under the list of Nottingham Electrical Goods category and positioned in 20 James Street Kimberley, Nottingham. Mainly, they deals with electric goods wholesale, appliances, supplies, electronic goods stores, outlets, manufacturing, electric store and electrical appliance manufacture. However, for Kimberley Electrical Supplies, there is a need to improve its business and remain at the competitive edge with other business of the same nature. This is achievable through:
Stock Management
The company should execute inventory management system. This will be helpful in controlling inventory levels to manageable demands as well as minimized costs. Further, production planning is a vital facet of inventory management. It involves looking into weekly business requirements and estimating how much more raw materials will be needed, the amount that already in the system and what need to be ordered. Production planning faceplate is also another helpful tool since it gives production specialists a one quick glimpse in order to obtain all the information relevant for decision-making. Once business type, costs, WIPs levels and information are combined into one a single tool, information required for managers and production specialists in the business to make decisions is effortlessly reachable. The faceplate tool has a guarantee of boosting inventory turnover percentages while diminishing inventory and cost levels (Underhill, 1996, p.121).
Mainly, there are eight types of inventory management system that work perfectly well for manufacturing industries. Therefore, Kimberley Electric Supplies should choose one that will work in their favor. For this case, I propose Just in Time (JIT), since the production of turbine engines take time in production and commences before placing the demand. Thus, for foreseeable demand, expertise and past demand data have to be used. The information gained is essential for understanding what the production system attained.
Work Scheduling
Majority of employees nowadays have constant expected demands on how they spend their time outside of work. Such are an ailing family member, studies, religion attachments and long commute. To meet these demands, yet have a well-paying job, such people need to work at unlike times or places. This then breaks the tradition of 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, five or six days a week. In the case of Kimberley Electric Supplies, the employees should have flexible work arrangements (FWA’s). This way, there is modification in the work structure that fit for different times and places yet the set goal are achievable at the long run. An employee may have FWA for a certain period of time or an employer may hire with the comprehension that FWA will be permanent or until there are changes by mutual consent (Kersten, Blecker, & Jahn, 2011, p. 309).
Handling of Deliveries
This is one of the most important stages in service-oriented industries. Employees have to demonstrate a high level of customer gratification since it is the main contribution toward the annual profits. Different businesses have different ways of counting sales. For instance, some calculate sales when a product is manufactured or even when it is not paid for so long after the customer has it. Such methods affect the profits figures. For Kimberley, to handle deliveries better, customer care personnel should handle complains professionally. Addressing complains and providing exceptional customer services creates a strong business foundation since they feel valued and needed. The company should take advantage of every customer complain as an opportunity to learn about the shortages in their deliveries hence improve. This is possible in person, email or phone call and eventually the customer will come back again and share their positive experiences with others.
The management should also upgrade the stock to fit at the technology levels. This will bring it at par with the competitor’s benchmarks. On the other hand, the company’s workforce skills should be top-notch to support the industry’s future prerequisites and make sure there is a steady supply of crucial input materials (Bayliss & Hardy, 2012, p. 57).
Capacity Utilization
An effective supply of electronics is important for national economic development and standard lives for citizens. Assured accessibility of electrical goods at affordable prices will not only be a catalyst to the social-economic growth of a state but further improve the universal competitiveness of the industrial part. Further, it will create jobs and per capita income generation levels. Kimberley should pay more attention to rapid expansion of healthy domestic electrical equipment. In this, they should maintain an inclusive value chain in power generation, distribution and transmission. This will be important for the company’s competitiveness besides creating a tactical move for Nottingham.
Due to the increasing challenges facing the company in supplies and demand, both locally and internationally, the sales of the business are beginning to diminish. Kimberley should therefore develop a concrete and health plan in support of its long-term growth (Wisner & Stanley, 2008, p.467). The plan should recommend interventions with an aim of improving competition. The shareholders should also fully take part in removing any obstacle hindering the growth of the company.