Every person lives and tries to accomplish certain goals during the lifetime. Long-term goals are essential to the life of the person and to some other people’s lives, while short-term goals have more effect on the life of one specific individual. I would like to tell you about some of my short-term goals for the present time and the nearest future. One of them is the purchase of a new car and it appears to be also the most important goal.
Today every person faces the importance of being mobile and reaching the necessary place in a matter of time. But it’s too difficult to go anywhere just by using public transport, bicycle or hitching a ride from your friends or relatives. And the only way out of this troubling and annoying situation is having your own car.
I believe that with my own car I would be able to get to more places then without a car. I will also become more independent from somebody else’s services, i.e. I will not have to ask anybody to give me a ride to the grocery store or the shopping mall. I will be able to do this on my own. Besides, I will be the one who will be asked for help now, since I will be a car owner. I always had a dream to have my own car, but I constantly used to face a number of obstacles, in other words, something always prevented me from making my dream come true. When I was a teenager, I did not have enough money to purchase it, to pay for the gas in case I had a car or to cover any other fees, related to maintaining the car. Since I do have a job I will be able to refuel my car every time I need. Besides driving will become a huge advantage of mine. I do not have enough money to pay for the new car, but I can go for a used one. Besides, it is possible to take a small credit at the bank, which would be of double benefit to me. Firstly, I will get the lacking amount of cash to purchase a car I was dreaming of. Secondly I’m planning to learn how to manage money properly as long as I’m responsible for paying bills for the credit. Supporting the idea of the fulfilling of this above-mentioned particular short-term goal, I would like to underline that possession of the car is not luxury or entertainment. And I do completely realize this fact! It will help me to be more communicative, as I will manage to meet with more people, visit interesting places and will not depend on anybody at the same time. The fact that I realize the main purpose of purchasing the car appears to be the proof that I am ready to become a car owner without any further hesitations.
And the last, but not the least is that possession of a car would give me an opportunity to act and live the way I want independent of anybody else. I will prove my ability to make decisions on my own. . Living and acting responsively, I will be able to buy a car and fully enjoy all the benefits it can bring along. As I tend to become a car owner, I will also become more careful while taking any decisions that could influence my future. I will be earning and saving enough money to be able not only to purchase a car, but to buy gas, manage to get it to the repair shop etc. I will run my personal finance smart enough not to get in debts and to be able to keep the car and live normal life at the same time.