Generally, since the very inception of the humankind, people have witnessed the radical unpredictability of the flow of events that take place in the Universe. Such unpredictability has aroused various assumptions regarding whether there is a certain order in the Universe or the events tend to happen contingently and with no substantial causal linkages between them. As a matter of fact, it might be argued that the clear distinction between the order and the chaos in application to the Universe cannot be actually made since both these concepts retain the distinct constructive potential in regard to the reality that people find themselves in.
The Order and the Chaos as Intellectual Categories
Basically, the order and the chaos appear to be just specific intellectual categories which people use so as to structurize their vision of the reality. The very possibility of the existence of such categories confirms that people that keep operating them are intellectually ordered beings in the first place. In other words, people would not be able to distinguish between the order and the chaos unless they were intellectually capable of producing such basic sort of classification. Any intellectual activity is intrinsically ordered, and it is precisely this constant orientation towards ordering that lets people structurize their experience and, ultimately, their whole reality in a sufficiently consistent way.
The relationship between the order and the chaos that has been developed by human philosophy and human science might vary. On the one hand, the chaos might be regarded as the complete opposition of the normative state of affairs that is defined as the order; on the other hand, the chaos might be considered to be new and hardly conceivable extension of the order (Christian Hubert Studio). On his part, Thompson (1996) proposes to distinguish between the predictable rational order, unpredictable chaotic disorder and the qualitative order out of the chaos. In any case, it can be stated that there is a great concern expressed in regard to whether the conventional vision of the Universe that people currently share corresponds to the nature of the actual, not notional Universe in a sufficient way.
However strong the aforementioned human concern and the corresponding intellectual constructs might be, one thing is still missing: both the order and the chaos are the human concepts that people use to structurize their own reality. Once people have developed those concepts, their vision of the reality acquired a certain structure under which it was possible at least to define some events as the particular outcomes of some fundamental causal order established either by God or by the nature itself. At the same time, the other events could be regarded as contingent happenings which transcend the order and thus expose themselves as the manifestations of the unpredictable and incomprehensible chaos. Nevertheless, such distinction still appears to be a merely human intellectual construct, and so do any human statements regarding the nature of the Universe. If there is a statement that the basic nature of the Universe is the chaos, it is just a particular human attempt at structurizing human vision of the reality. If there is a statement that the nature of the Universe is the order, and there is a concrete reason for anything that happens, it is another human attempt at structurizing human vision of the reality. In this respect, the relationship between the order and the chaos, however complex it might be, will always remain the derivative of the order that is inherent to people as the intellectual beings. Thereby, any human statements regarding the nature of the Universe appear not to describe its actual nature but rather construct the conventional version of its nature, be it ordered or chaotic, as it might be envisaged by the human intellect.
In conclusion, it needs to be highlighted that the intellectual concern with the question whether the order can come from chaos or if there is another relationship between the two, is in itself the product of the supreme order inherent to human beings as such. And the very development of such concern can be considered to be extremely conducive to the enrichment of the human vision of the reality regardless of the extent to which the correspondence to the actual nature of the Universe might ever be reached.