Curable diseases, also known as preventable diseases are very many in the current world. Among them include malaria, TB among others (Knopf 2010). Studies indicate that, many people who die from these illnesses are mostly in third world countries. It is deduced that, ten years ago, malaria which falls under this category killed around 1.5million people (Knopf 2010). The cause of all this is linked with the drugs meant to cure the curable diseases becoming ineffective over time. They simply don’t work (Knopf 2010). This particular essay is an argument of whether state should force parents to use doctors for child who is dying of a curable disease.
In some countries, many people have fallen victims of traditional beliefs which do not allow one to seek medical attention regardless of how serious the illness is (Schreer 2007). In such a case, the parents of a dying child because of a curable disease are left at the mercies of these archaic beliefs. To begin with, there is no excuse enough that any parent can give for allowing a child to die because of suffering from a curable disease like malaria (Schreer 2007). The authority in place should come in and force such parents to take their children for medication (Schreer 2007). Traditions should not be given a priority at the expense of the child’s life. Any person has a right to seek immediate medical attention if sick. Parents should be forced take their children to hospital or else be prosecuted for failing to do so.
In some cases, medication has been regarded as being too expensive so that many people are unable to access treatment once they fall ill. As a result, majority have opted to boycott medication (Knopf 2010). In such a situation, there is no excuse for any parent to sit there as the child is dying from something he or she knows can be treated (Knopf 2010). Lack of money is not even coming into the picture given that state hospitals are free if the prices are not subsidized making it quite affordable. The state should not even think twice on using force on such parents to take their dying children to hospital for medication.
In some cases still, many people believe in home made remedies to cure diseases. Some of these concoctions were used during the ancient times and they surely cured people (Knopf 2010). In that regard, many opt to use these remedies even in some serious cases that require a medical expert. Putting this into consideration, it is worthy noting that most of these remedies have not been proved whether they are still effective (Knopf 2010). Considering the fact that most diseases develop resistance over time, it goes without saying that they cannot work. In addition to that, most of these treatments administered at home are based on guess work as the patient does not undergo any medical tests (Knopf 2010). In that respect, one can ended up treating the wrong disease and therefore giving the wrong medicine. If such a thing happens, the patient in question will only get worse and eventually die. Considering all this, the state should force parents of children dying of curable disease to seek doctor’s services as they can be very helpful.
To conclude, the question of whether parents should take their dying children to seek medical attention is not subject to debate. It is a must thing and any parent doing the opposite should face the full force of the law. This should be the case in all diseases. The state has hired doctors to cater for the sick and therefore nobody should be denied his or her right to medication whether dying or not. Lastly, traditions that question doctor’s capability on treating such cases are not only outdated but also retrogressive. It is a high time such things be dealt with accordingly once and for all.