There has been debate on whether college education is a one-size fits all phenomenon or it is indeed for the selected few who have the craving for it. In his article titled “Education’s Hungry Hearts”, Mark Edmundson presents an argument on whether a college degree is good for everyone. He takes an indifferent position on college education by arguing that it is only profitable for those students with the zeal to get a college education. Edmundson is of the opinion that some students need not go through the lengthy and expensive academic journey because they lack the drive for it in the first place — “Not all students have hungry hearts “¦ and having a hungry (or not) is what makes all the difference for a young person seeking an education” (Edmundson, 1).
Indeed, there is need for an alternative system of students who do not favor typical classroom work but would prefer learning that more entwined with the workplace. The large number of college dropouts would benefit if they was a transformation in career and technical programs. As Edmundson states, there is no need for a future car mechanic to spend two years pursuing an associate degree in college.
The author equates paying for college degree to making a serious investment in a set of stocks or even a mutual fund (Edmundson 1). Failure for money invested in college to result in actual cash advantage translates that one made a mistake and complete waste of their resourceful time. I second the author’s opinion drawing evidence from Northern Europe countries where majority of college students prefer programs that integrate classroom and workplace learning, especially those involving apprenticeships. Such is the qualification that has real currency in the labor market. Upon graduation, many seniors are frustrated finding the kind of work thaw justify the high cost- both in terms of money and time — of their earned degrees.
The best education that young person can get is investing in himself or herself, which does not necessarily mean attending college for a degree. A purely classroom learning setting only appeals to students with the passion for education but not for those who are not curious, alive and hungry for education. Students who get the most out of their educations are not necessarily those most intellectually gifted, best prepared, most cultured, but they have demonstrate strong lover for learning together with openness to experience. Edmundson describes truly hungry students are ones whose parents have not placed too much expectations on them, and those who have confident values and beliefs to risk. It would thus be appropriate to redefine a “good job” as an activity where an individual’s recognizable skills and talents are utilized to meet the demand in the workforce.
In conclusion, it is evident that college degree is not good for everyone. Arguments have been fronted to the effect that college education is for those with urge for education and it is by no means a one-size fits all. The author has also correctly cited that college is way too expensive and thus should be prescribed only for those students with the craving for such higher learning education. In light of the increasing number of career fields requiring credentials other than an associate’s or bachelor’s degree, is it really viable to invest significant amount of time, effort and money in a college degree for students who do not have the heart for it but are gifted elsewhere?