In Much Ado Nothing, is a romantic comedy written by William Shakespeare. He beautifully engages words to display the prose in a poetic manner. Shakespeare uses the power of words in the comedy to appeal to his audience, deceive, destroy and restore honor to various characters in the play. According to Shakespeare, the problems experienced in the society relate to male reputation, women mistreatment and social structures. The play exposes the mistreatment and injustice faced by women. It reveals how prideful men hide behind the veil of reputation and abuse the norms of society to wrongfully mistreat women in the society. William Shakespeare portrays when in a variety of characters, roles and responsibilities In Much Ado About Nothing comedy. Hero is revealed as a submissive and loyal woman in society. She adheres to the norms of the society such as submission to her father. In addition, she is willing to completely submit to her husband. She represents the character & behavior that the society expected from a woman in her times. Even though she was accused wrongfully of unfaithfulness, her honor as woman is restored when vindicated (McKewin & Carol 297).
On the other hand, Shakespeare portrays Beatrice as witty and intelligent woman. She is revealed as fearless and a woman who speaks her mind regardless of the circumstances. She is argumentative and quick to answer anyone who questions her. Her inclusion in the play is intended to persuade the society that some women can exercise power or authority over men through use of language. Also Shakespeare is making a statement that some women are more intelligent, assertive & clever than men.
Finally, according to Shakespeare, each gender display varied expectation of the relating. The men expect women to be unfaithful, nagging and deceiving. Where areas on the other hand, the women are expected to put up with men’s deceptions and unfaithfulness.
Hero and Claudio’s relationship is turbulent and key in the plot play. Hero is wrongfully accused of unfaithfulness and humiliated publicly on her wedding day in Act IV scene 1. Hero is deeply heart by Claudio response to the situation; she pretends to die in order to gain back his love. Eventually liars are exposed and ashamed and they marry happily. Hence, restoring honor and dignity upon Hero.
On the other hand, throughout the play, Benedick and Beatrice are portrayed as having a turbulent relationship.Benedick is a sarcastic bachelor who had sworn never to marry. He is portrayed as a war man no wonder Beatrice poses a fight challenge to prove his masculinity. It seems that Benedick and Beatrice are in love with each other even though they hold different ideologies of sexism in the society. However, in the declaration of love scene, Benedick declares his love for Beatrice in a crisis moment. Beatrice responds to him by providing a ridiculous challenge for him to prove his masculinity which he willingly responds to in order to win his heart. Beatrice knows that Benedick can not kill Claudio according to request but she does it to defend Hero a fellow woman who had just been accused falsely of unfaithfulness (Dusinberre & Juliet 244).
According to the Annotated Bibliography by Ruggiero & Guido, they expose the primary source of liberation in the society, and then they allow destruction of the same and finally restores the honor at the end. This is similar to Much Ado About Noting, where Shakespeare restores the honor of the Women after destroying it initially.
In conclusion, despite the varied characters portrayed in the play for women, and occasional conflict among women, women have strong relationships throughout the play. They willingly support and defend one another when need arise. For instance, Beatrice strongly defended Hero when accused of unfaithfulness even though she did not have any evidence but she doubted the validity of accusation alleged against fellow woman.
Consequently, throughout the play, Benedick and Beatrice are portrayed as having a turbulent relationship. It seems that Benedick and Beatrice are in love with each other even though they hold different ideologies of sexism in the society. However, in the declaration of love scene, Benedick declares his love for Beatrice in a crisis moment. Beatrice responds to him by providing a ridiculous challenge for him to prove his masculinity which he willingly responds to in order to win his heart. Subsequently, although Hero and Claudio’s relationship is turbulent and key in the plot play, eventually liars are exposed and ashamed and they marry happily. Hence, restoring honor and dignity upon Hero. Shakespeare portrays a variety of women personalities and status in society hence creating understanding and easy of relating to different characters, formed in the play. He truthfully exposes how women can use words and language intelligently to rule and have control over men.
Finally, the problems experienced in the society relate to male reputation, women mistreatment and social structures. The men expect women to be unfaithful, nagging and deceiving. Where areas on the other hand, the women are expected to put up with men’s deceptions and unfaithfulness. The play exposes the mistreatment and injustice faced by women. It reveals how prideful men hide behind the veil of reputation and abuse the norms of society to wrongfully mistreat women in the society.