Romanticism age is the period that ranged from the late eighteenth century to the early nineteenth century mostly in the European culture. The influence of the Romanticism age, which started small, later developed to bring a huge influence in the society across the world. The characteristics of this period were mostly inspired by a movement of creativity, remaining a force to reckon in its era. Starting in the 1770s in Germany and England, its influence that changed poetry, drama, literature and art had influence to a greater percentage of Europe by 1820s. From there, its influence reached many parts of the world like in Japan and United States in its musical form, and this brought about nationalism in all Romanticism ideals (Brians n.p.). Romanticism age represented a period that brought new insights to the importance of change in all aspects of life, defying the existing practices.
Romanticism Age Brought Light to the Need of Revolution
The Romanticism age became apparent as the period where the eighteenth century priorities were instinctively felt and enforced clearly with immediate insights as opposed to the practice of valuing reason as the basis of understanding, the significance of an individual as opposed to social practices, and adventures of the supernatural area as opposed to ancient reservations (Helicon Publishing, “Romanticism”). Represented in literature and art, Romanticism age themes stressed on mental concepts, strong instinctive feelings, and the inventiveness of a person. Themes mostly involved love of nature, great value of the past like gothic features, the less valued, political changes, idealistic strong emotions, supernatural believing and attraction to what death was. These brought the conflict with Classicism (Melani, “Romanticism”).
Influences of the Romantic Age
The activities of the Romanticism age that involved both literature and art were responding to the restrained representation of the existing information/messages where the style used could not bring out themes as expected. It was evident that the classical/ancient restraints could not convince the audience concerning what was happening in the society that time. In addition, the existing industrialization could not meet the existing demands and there was need for change which led to the industrial revolution aimed at civilizing people and making their lives better. Moreover, the existing religious practices where conflicting the prevailing changes. With regard to this, Romanticism succeeded the closely held absolute ancient convictions, with representation of perfect and sometimes scary beauty and splendor of nature. The conflict of the new changes of nature representation certainly became a correspondence for what people felt and experienced. This greatly involved a strong instinctive feeling and immediate insights as opposed to the science of reasoning, which controlled the human being, becoming a valuable feature on his own compared to the society as a whole (Helicon Publishing, “Romanticism”).
Poetry in the Romanticism Age
The reality of the Romanticism era in the denial of industrialization and the emerging values of human beings within the existing nature resulted to varied reactions from different individuals of that time. For instance, Wordsworth who was an English poet amongst others represented their reactions through poetry on the changes/revolution in such a manner that much interested the audience a lot, thus becoming an important media of communication. Poetry made people understand the importance of revolution better than any other means. Through poetry, the most difficult and even dreaded subjects like death were appreciated in a more positive manner. The climax of what poetry represented rapidly helped in revolution (Helicon Publishing, “Romanticism”). The reflection of what arts presented varied greatly but mostly reflected on the innermost feelings of the composers, presenting what they understand about the world. The influence of Romanticism influenced artists to levels that made them rebuke classical principals. For example Friedrich landscape paintings were greatly inspired and surpassed the obvious representation of nature (Spielvogel 659).
Religion Revival in Romanticism Age
Christianity was revolutionized after 1815 following the criticism that for instance, not only the Catholics but also other existing practices and authorities could not convince the learned class. However, Catholicism on its own where like in Germany, were majority converted to Catholic, which is well illustrated in work of a Frenchman Chateaubriand (1768 – 1848) benefited a lot from Romanticism age (Spielvogel 662). The Protestantism was not left behind where the awakening call influenced the church leaders of for example, the Methodist missionaries from England, to bring over revival messages to France where “their messages of hellfire and their methods of emotional conversion evoked a ready response among people alienated by highly educated establishment clergy of the state churches” (Spielvogel 662).
Romanticism in Music
Music was acknowledged as the most influential form of art in the Romanticism period as a writer of the period once noted “no other art can so sublimely arouse human sentiments in the innermost heart of a man” (qtd. in Spielvogel 660).
From the above study, Romanticism age represented a period that brought new insights to the importance of change in all aspects of life, defying the existing practices. Ranging from the late eighteenth century to early nineteenth, it brought the realization to people that the existing social practices failed to address their problems economically and socially. It then led to establishment of better modes of expression to address the problems and literature and art best did that, spreading from small beginning in Europe and eventually spreading fast over the world influencing change/revolution. Without doubt, the Romanticism age was an influential period to revolution, economically, socially and religiously.