This paper seeks to analyze leadership styles and the way leaders fulfill their management functions. It also seeks to assess and address the aspects that are related to factors that empower employees and communicate the vision by the leaders. The paper is also aimed at discussing issues and factors that concern a controlling agent. Also to mention, on the list is the motivation aspect to employees and how it has been used by successful companies such as the Apple to bring tremendous changes.
Leadership, many would say is like a skill, unless one is born with the skill or has developed them, leading people may prove to be a difficult task. Apple Company, on the other hand, has used and adopted unique leadership styles such as planning and organizing, designing and structuring, managing any change in the organization, implementing human resource management, understanding and encouraging team work, motivating and rewarding employees, controlling the link function, ensuring total quality management and productivity as well as communicating and using interpersonal skills. Likewise, at my work places have come to meet and hold great respect for our director. Through him the company has accomplished great feats of success within a short period of time. He demonstrated unique values by leading by example. Being able to lead through example is one of the few qualities that point to a great leader. This is critical in any organizations and can be the ultimate recipe to its success. A company like Apples didn’t wake up one morning and become a lucrative business empire. All this came at a prize. Through fulfilling managerial skill, well motivated team of staff and the visions backed by a transformational leader all propelled the company in the right path. A good leader is also supposed to be authoritative and firm if he or she is to master leadership styles that will lead the organization forward. One thing that I admire most about or director is when ever there is a problem. He will not hesitate but point them immediately. Since a leader is some one people look for guidance, they must be able to take hard decisions when the time comes. Another leadership style that is very is a leader who listens and makes proper contact with those below him or her. This function helps a manager to organize the team easily in order to achieve desired goals. The staffing function defines all aspects that are related to staff or employees. This function involves training of the staff, recruiting and developing their education or skill levels. Leading function involves more than just a plan. It involves communication, motivation, encouragement and guidance. In this way, the leader is in charge of the company and takes into account all the aspects that are related to employees. Controlling, on the other hand, involves continuous checking, but leader are warned to known the limits since it may also affect the performance of the employee in a negative way. At our company some times back the director imposed tough measures that limited movement in the office and that required one to achieve a certain target. At first, many opposed the move but given time people came to embrace the rule. That month the profits the company is expected to obtain rose by a given margin and that was something to be thankful about. Three months down the line and the director had increased our salaries. Surely, these are the great qualities that a leader should demonstrate.
Great Leaders Empower Their Employees
Did the leader empower employees? The leadership at Apple Company did not only empower the staff and employees, but also helped to motivate them in order to achieve set goals. Was the leadership transactional or transformational or both? Well, transformational leadership is a method or process that influences followers to transform and change them not only for their own good but also that of the organization. On the other hand, at our work places the director has in the past organized educational seminars and trainings which have influenced our lives. These have not only developed us but they was also equipped us with skills that have promoted our productivity. Many will always agree that proper leadership is the back bone of every organization. Without it the company is doomed to fail. Taking into consideration above mentioned, the leadership at Apple was both transactional and transformational in the achievement of goals. How does the leader fulfill functions? The leader is essential since this person defines duties and responsibilities of staff and employees from a management level to lower cadre employees. How did the leader communicate the vision? The leadership used the “best to best’’ method to communicate the vision between the company and its employees at Apple Company. Therefore, the leader was able to set goals and ensured that each employee understood and was aware of them (Murray, 2011).
Issues Leading to Controlling Agents
The control of a company depends on a leader and stake holders completely. Controlling involves checking goals and accounting results. If the results do not reflect the goals of the company then resolutions are to be made in order to achieve these results. The ways of controlling the company include; a structure and organization design, looking into a financial output, identifying a behavioral organization and cultural reward systems. These factors will not only help to control the company, but will also provide resolutions if the results do not reflect the goals set by the company (Cook, 2011).Likewise our director has employed some of these qualities which have propelled our company to success.