Employment relations and organizational behavior encompass the challenges met in managing employees and the extensive economic and social context in which they work. Tentatively, human resources center on the wider relationship between the employees and the employers needed in the present competitive market. On the other hand, organization behavior as well as employee organization varies in different countries. As such, this paper seeks to establish the imperative aspects that affect employment relations.
The workplace act acts as an imperative source of attitude generation. Tentatively, the employees’ attitude affects the health of the organization as well as the workplace attitude. Attitude represents the beliefs, behavioral intentions, as well as, assessed feelings toward an individual or attitude object. As such, emotions represent experiences, whereas attitudes are judgments. Attitude comprises of three fundamental aspects that include beliefs, feelings and behavioral intentions.
Beliefs are the establishment of an individual’s perception in retrospect to the attitude object. Undoubtedly, beliefs are facts perceived form past experiences as well as, other learning forms. Tentatively, represent the motivation in involvement of negative or positive feeling towards the object. On the other hand, behavioral intention represents present the motivation to engage in the behavior, in retrospect to, the attitude object. An emotion operates automatically by “listening in” on the individual’s information of the emotions, in translating the beliefs into feelings.
Japan’s employment relation
Various changes are evident in Japan’s employment relation, realized through national factors that include national culture, national institution, as well as, labor market. Anglo- Saxon literature presents the dependency of Japan’s employment relation changes to three sacred aspects –seniority based system, life –time employment as well as enterprise based aspects.
The present employment relation originated from the Japanese way of thinking which involves their culture. As such, the Japanese national character was responsible for the development of the Japanese –style management. As such, Japan follows the paternalistic system of management that relies on familiar relation of the working individuals. Undoubtedly, they believe in collectivism that sees the workers working in communism. As such, the three sacred aspects of the employment relation form the corner stone of Japan’s employment relation.
Despite numerous arguments, many individuals believe that there have been changing that involve the three aspects centering on the employment system. Contrastingly, other argues that there have been no fundamental changes in the relation system, that is, the endeavor as the family system. As such, success regarding management of human recourse has bases its roots on the community approach gemeinschaft. Moreover, the approach relies on the family based paternalistic scheme. As such, employees of the companies have bonds of trust, love as well as, understanding. During the post war period, most of the Japanese companies instigated personnel administration to support the employment relation at the company’s level. As such, personnel play a fundamental role in integrating personnel practices. Tentatively, the success of the growth of a company relies on human resource development, stable employment, labor relations as well as skill formation. As such, human resource management varies on the firm size.
UK employment relationship
In the UK, states, in most cases, try to avoid direct intervention, with regard to the employment relationship. As such lack of intervention by the state embeds class structures in an adversarial relationship between labor and capital. As opposed to the countries characterized by social partnership that lays the foundation for peaceable relationship the UK reflects on the dominant voluntaristic approach., As such, this approach contradicts with the continental system that favors legal and social employment regulation.
Tentatively, the augmenting interest in employment and corporate governance has realized relationship patterns that vary across the national productive systems *89* (Jacoby 2005)
On the other hand, the Anglo-American system the governance of public companies directs towards varied shareholder ownership as well as outside control. As such, the HJRM function has seen the uncovering to the pressure of the market, experienced through the relationship between the employees and employers. Contrastingly, the governance of Japanese and European corporations offers dominant block holders share tenure, which offers security for internal stakeholders. As such, it offers a closer realization with the company as well as it objectives. Nonetheless, HRM plays a pro active role that reveals the evidence of diversity across organizations with the national systems.
Kuwait employment relationship
The concept of equal treatment and brotherhood forms the basis of the employment relationship in most Arab state. While Calvinism presents work as God’s glorification, Barbash traces the modern conviction with regard to the period of the revolution. As such, he asserts that work ethics revolution was a product of an era of deprivation and sanctity when the workers starved or did the work. As such, Barbash advocated that work ethics as an ideology presented by the middle class for the working classes that had ample truth and plausibility to make it believable. Tentatively, Diddams agreed to his argument as it presented the product of the 19th century.
The existence of work ethics is a notion that links to the emergence of contemporary capitalism. Undoubtedly, the ascription of the presence in work ethics primarily to the religious conditions in the 18th century, withheld the notion that work was not of high admiration. The prevailing norms, as well as, religious beliefs were neither appreciated nor were they in favor of work. Adam smith indicated that business oriented individuals are “an order of men, whose interest is never the same with that of the public, who have an interest to deceive and even to oppress the public and who consequently have, upon many occasions, both oppressed and deceived it”. Tentatively, Zuboff argues that employees had a theory of productive behavior that engaged the spirit as well as the body. As such conceptualization of work ethic was imperative in easing the management of newly made companies.
As such, in Kuwait, the employment relationship bases upon the mutual treatment between the employer and the employee so as to establish justice between the two individuals. The employer consultation presents probably affects by international convention.
Certainly, an employee must have a fare wage and treatment of his/her contribution to the workplace. Islam exploitation is averse in by the placement of labor exploitation as well as the enslavement of a free individual.
The difference in opinion exists in the case where an individual hurts his own interest without conflicting Islam’s moral bounds. Contrastingly, if the individual hurts other individual interest, there exists no opinion difference. Moreover, social welfare has a place of substantial importance in individual freedom and Islam, though it is not independent of its implication- socially. Nonetheless, the societies have conceptualized views of work that manifest in the Islamic culture.
Conclusively, employment relationship varies from different countries. As such, culture, as well as, cultural beliefs play an imperative role in modeling a country’s employment relationship. On the other hand, international intervention affects the policies put in place, with regard to the employment relationship.