Today’s fast moving world demands spending time for preparing meal as small as possible. People are constantly in a hurry forgetting about their health and do not take care about what they eat. They are too busy to cook and eat healthy food so they grab what is quick in preparation, they go in restaurant which is cheaper and they each what is delicious. It is probably for this reason fast food has become so popular. Fast food can be supposed as very comfortable invention which makes our life easier, deprives us possibility to suffer in the kitchen preparing meal. As we know cooking does not bring great pleasure that is why there are a lot of companies who propose fast food.
However their fast food is rich in saturated fat, salt, cholesterol and sugar; it is high-calorie and deprived of any nutriments. As we know fast food causes a lot of diseases such as overweighting, cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis and obesity. This list of diseases and health problems is endless as our generation has chosen not only junk food but also couch potato lifestyle. However our company that produces fast food does everything to improve the quality of fast food and propagandize health lifestyle. Young people forgot what is to do sport. Indeed sport is very important for keeping body fit and healthy and control weight. When you eat any food but after this you do sport, there is no danger for your health.
Our company cardinally changed fast food, includs sugar-free soft drinks, a lean burger with extra lettuce and tomato in a whole-grain bun, chips fried in sunflower oil, and the option of low-fat cheese in any cheese-burger.
As is generally known junk food is not expensive and delicious. However one should remember that all is not gold that glitters. The consumption of cheap fast food costs us our health and our life. The fast food of our company is a bit more expensive but our aim is to provide people not only with the delicious food but with the healthy one.
I am convinced that we should be conscious when it touches the question of food. Not without reason there is a thought: “Tell me what you each and I will tell you who are you.” Our company proposes fast food which does not contain something which is harmful. Quality is above everything.
Another important thing is that we should know is that nowadays we deal with such a problem as fast food addiction. This is illness of our time like alcohol and drug addiction. High levels of fat and sugar lead that you begin to need this food more and more forgetting about any limits. The epidemic obesity has already touched the people of the United States and struggle with this problem is lasting however the results are very poor. Our fast food does not make you addicted as it is created for people who are constantly in a hurry and have no time to cook. We have lessened the level of sugar and fat in our products.
Fast food of other companies contains addictive ingredients and people can not refuse from consumption of it. However, it is very strange that knowing about it people forget to follow advice of doctors and continue to kill themselves slowly. Fast food restaurants grow as quickly as mushrooms after rain and attract people with their variety of dishes and affordable prizes. Not without reason the proverb says that what tastes good for you, is bad.
Scientists show that the junk food making process is based on using of chemicals such as: titanium dioxide, azodicarbonamide, sodium phosphate, monosodium phosphate, propylene glycol, etc. Do these chemicals sound appetizingly? Of course, no! We have already refused from them for the sake of our consumers. We take care about our clients.
As a nutritionist I would like to emphasize that everything should be in measure. You will never regret if you choose fast food restaurants of our company. We have changed the nutritional content of fast food in order to make our nation healthier, to provide high quality food. Do not forget that health is above wealth and buy only food of high quality.