The social well-being of a group takes into consideration of the dynamics and structural flaws in the society. The two platforms are based on social amenities and the most basic human needs, and sometimes the most relevant secondary needs. At some point recreation also is included to determine how well the community is developed. The component and variables of measure are reliant on the struggles and well-being factors that bond the society. Through complicated surveys and censuses, it is easy to position the society and compare its well-being with the rest of the societies in the world. Different societies record different standings based on the environmental positioning of the society and level of civilization. Social well-being can be gained through the active contribution of the community members in achieving a common goal.
Active contribution is powered by social justice in society. On the other hand, the contribution might be lowered by different political standing, religion, culture and different level of resources. In communities with conflicts, internal or external, the record-high margin of social well-being degradation. Communities that seem to be more closely bonded mostly internally, record a high level of social well-being improvement and stability. Below is a basic preview of how some countries are fair in comparison to basic social well-being.
Contraceptive use
China and Norway record the highest number of contraceptive use. The main driving force behind this well-being status is awareness of the best birth control methods, types of occupation demands in the two countries, and the need to control the population depending on government policies. The application pattern on variant contraceptive methods shows the general measures for contraceptives in Norway. Almost 70% of the women are in one of the three categories of birth control methods reflecting the awareness of modern contraceptives in Norway. This is also the case in China. On the other hand, Angola and Chad, almost neighbors, record low levels of contraceptive use. This may be due to poor government policies and cultural practices that hinder the use of birth control.
Education can be passed through various methods, but there is the universally recognized. The whole world requires education more than ever as it has never needed it before, and this starts as early as possible in life; and if knowledge continues to increase, to adapt to such an environment the world will need wisdom in the future even more to solve the technical adaptation of problems, either natural or artificial. The most well-placed nation in terms of achieving this goal of education is Austria and the British virgin islands. Both nations record large participation of all gender in education search. Zambia and Tanzania record low levels of education desire and participation. Again these countries are almost neighbors. Education levels degradation is reliant on the poor education system and religion and cultural beliefs. In terms of cultural beliefs, it’s reflected in Afghanistan and Antigua, where the participation of the two genders differs by large margins.
Health is determined by almost all the basic social well-being factors. This is because the level of education levels and exposure directs how well the community is informed on health issues. Sanitation and population also play a crucial role. Health may deteriorate in areas with a low level of education, poor sanitation, and a high population. Switzerland and China have high-life expectancy, while Afghanistan and Mozambique record low levels. In terms of infant mortality Afghanistan and Chad record high levels, while Japan and San Marino have unusually low levels.
Population per annual measure is high in Afghanistan and Western Sahara. Very low and negative results are recorded in Niue and Croatia.
Water and sanitation
Areas with convenient access to water record proper management of sanitation both in rural and urban centers. Burkinafaso records poorly, in both water and sanitation management. Andorra and Austria record recommendable levels of water and sanitation access.