Technological advances have created many transformations in the world today. Notably, wireless technology has brought about improvements in communication by enabling an easy access to many people at the same time. Most people consent to the fact that wireless technology and networking represent the future of internet and computer as well as the connectivity throughout the world. In this regard, Wi-Fi plays a preeminent technology that helps in building general purpose wireless networks. Wireless technology has had both positive and negative effects to the world. It can be understood in terms of security related issues, health issues, social impacts and how they work in business related purposes in the world.
With the introduction of wireless technology and networks, many people were relieved with the thought that their security related issues had been solved. However, irrespective of the fact that wireless networks are exposed to similar security risks as wired technology, wireless networks are exposed to additional risks. United States computer emergence readiness team (2001) in”Home Network Security” explores the notion that wireless networks send and receive data through the radio frequencies. This exposes them to intruders unless they are adequately protected. Intruders are dangerous because they exploit the openness of accessing systems, destroy and steal data and launch malicious attacks that capture and impair network bandwidth, insert viruses, malicious codes, disable other operations and restrict services to authorized users (United States Computer Emergence Readiness Team, 2001).
Intruders bypass firewall protection and gain access to information through wireless networks. Wireless networks are also prone to theft of the devices used with the wireless technologies. Wireless technologies have enabled the people to carry the small portable devices and to have an access to the networks wherever they are and whenever they need it. In most cases, the portable devices are expensive. Therefore, criminals might steal them and make good money through selling them. The sensitive information transmitted via wireless technology can also be intercepted if there is no strong encryption.
In recent years, the increase in the use of wireless technologies and communication tools has been followed by research of the potential health risks and issues. This deals especially with the respect to the fact that wireless technologies expose uses to high radio frequency energy that is emitted by the devices usage.
One study done by the Council on Health Promotion (2011) “Wireless technology: A risk to health? BC Medical Journal, 53(4), 198-199,” states that potential health costs from the long-term, multiple, low-intensity radio frequency exposure in comparison to most of the present data that measure acute consequences on healthy adults in short exposures to radio frequency fields. For example, evaluating the amount of radio frequency fields received by the underage children, teenagers, the youth, pregnant women, and fetuses from wireless supported devices and radio frequency support station and antennas help to define disclosure ranges for various populations. The council emphasizes that, despite the fact that it is unknown that children are more liable to radio frequency exposure; the increased risk could be caused by developing organ and tissue systems in their body. In addition, certain Absorption Rates (SAR) for children occurs at higher rates than for adults because the exposure wavelength occurs closer to the whole-body reverberation frequency for shorter people where children fall into this category (Council on Health Promotion 2011).
Similarly, National Academies (2008, January 17) in “What Are The Health Effects Of Wireless Communication Devices?” explains that the resonance and pull-out linear rod antennas that are placed in these devices including phones, laptops, Web-surfing and hand-held texting devices have potential harm to the body. This is because they are exposed to the ears and other sensitive parts of the body. Electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies could also have effects on neural networks and the electrical activity of the human brain. Brain cancer and childhood cancers could be the result of radio frequencies caused by wireless network technologies. The amounts of radio frequency on microscopic levels could also cause health effects to the human populations. Temporary changes in hearing sensitivity could also be because of the radio frequencies caused by wireless technological devices (National Academies 2008, January 17).
National Academies (2008, January 17) goes on to say that the swift development of the inventions and uses of wireless technology in the society through mobile phones, portable devices and wireless internet has had several impacts in social issues. The use of the cell phones and mobile technology has transformed advocacy issues and enabled different organizations to accomplish their missions in a society through the communication. For instance, Non- Governmental Organizations that offer humanitarian assistance services have been able to achieve their missions. For example,, and the UN Foundation-Vodafone Group partnership, Oxfam-Great Britain and PeaceNet Kenya have used mobile text messaging to collect information when there was the civil unrest in Kenya (National Academies 2008, January 17).
Rash, W. (2010) in “Enterprise wireless: It’s all about work. eWeek, 27(13), 16-19” asserts that wireless technology allows the convenience in communication, improves personal security and an enabled dead time business service among other things. The communication has been improved through mobile telephony and wireless internet, so that the people can access information in different parts of the world irrespective of the location they occupy at any time. However, wireless technology has come with its fair share of negative effects. The concerns about social changes wrought by wireless technology have been brought up. People are now permanently contactable through the cell phones, wireless internet and other devices that use radio frequency (Rash, 2010). People have been killed by accidents because they use mobile phones when driving vehicles. Cyber crimes where people are robbed their money while others are kidnapped. People’s privacy has been interfered with because criminals hack into private information of people stored in wireless technological devices and databases. The noise pollution has also been caused by an increased use of the cell phones. People, especially the youth, have abandoned their cultural and value systems and embraced other cultures. It has become difficult for parents to control their children from accessing pornographic materials and suggestive texts because of wireless technologies. They carry with them ill behaviors and mannerisms that are not condoned in their original culture and value systems. Therefore, wireless technologies have interfered with normal functioning of cultural and societal interactions because of accessibility of information (Rash, 2010).
Many business organizations and companies have embraced the use of wireless technologies, communications and devices because of their convenience, flexibility and easy usage. Wireless technologies have become a part and a parcel of business entities. There is no industry, project or business dealing that can progress in the modern day world, without using wireless technologies. The salient feature provided by wireless technologies that include speed, mobility, security and Wi-Fi hotspots and voice over internet protocol cannot be provided without wireless technologies. The companies can now get access to information through the internet or cell phones without wastage of time.
Kim, S.H., Mims, C., & Holmes, K.P. (2006) in “An introduction to current trends and benefits of mobile wireless technology use in higher education. AACE Journal, 14(1)” state that wireless technology is now used in hotels, hospitals, airports, home networking, entertainment sites and for transportation businesses among others. In offices wireless technologies help companies to save money on the costs of installation. Business entities do not need to install wires throughout their business and office buildings. All they need is inventories, cell phones laptops, sales software and other devices that can enable them to get access to wireless connections and communication (Kim, Mims & Holmes, 2006).
Entner, R, (2008) in “The Increasingly Important Impact of Wireless Broadband Technology and Services on the U.S. Economy. A Study for CTIA-The Wireless Association” supports the notion that mobilization of workers, transferring of data, ordering of goods and services, customer service communication and support among other things are done through wireless networks such as cell phones, emails text messaging and other internet applications. Therefore, wireless technologies are essential for business related issues. However, wireless technologies allow for business fraud through cyber crime and online theft that is remarkably hard to trace (Entner, 2008).
In conclusion, wireless technology has brought about many changes in the world with the respect to businesses, health issues, security issues and social issues. As discussed above, it has brought both positive and negative impacts where the society benefits and loses at certain times. However, the benefits of wireless technology cannot be downplayed. Additional research into wireless technologies continues to improve the usability and benefits of wireless technologies.