The online Encarta dictionary defines Utopia as “an ideal and perfect place or state where everyone lives in harmony and everything is for the best”. New Zealand is an island country, which is composed of mainly the NorthernIsland and Southern Island and other smaller countries (Inkson, 2004). It is at the South-Western of the Pacific Ocean. This paper will discuss New Zealand as a utopia. New Zealand has various unique elements that make it exceptional from other countries. Its form of government is unique as it is headed by the Queen of England. New Zealand has beautiful greenery sceneries. The New Zealand’s scenery is made even better by a favorable climate. These factors plus its culture and history has given the country a utopian perception. This paper will discuss and analyze historical, cultural and geographical factors that have contributed to making New Zealand a utopia. A utopian place is one where there is peace, harmony, a place where there is security. It is a place where there level of poverty is minimal and one where no one feels oppressed. New Zealand can be said to be such a place in several ways.
New Zealand’s location and environment has for a long time attracted those from other parts of the world who find it conducive to start a new life (Sarggison & Sargent, 2004).It is a remote place and this makes it even more attractive and conducive as a utopia. It is a place where one can stay when she/he wants to refresh the mind. It has a combination of a landscape that include that range from beautiful mountain ranges to beautiful sand beaches, from rainforest to glaciers and even active volcanoes. A quarter of the countries land is still forested with evergreen rain forest surrounded with ferns thus giving it a jungle-like environment (New Zealand website, 2010). Additionally the land has unique birds like the famous kiwi and the native alpine parrot (kea) (Coates, 2000). The country has beautiful mild temperatures, and presence of sunshine. These factors make the country a haven for those who want to relax. Because of these unique features there are many and varied relaxing activities in the country such as fishing, bungie jumping, glacial hiking, bird watching among others. The New Zealand landscape has made it attractive for shooting movies such as the Lord of the Rings plus others. This makes New Zealand a utopia for some people (Sargisson & Sargent, 2004).
Entertainment and Holidays
Combined with the beautiful sceneries is a unique blend of different influences in the entertainment industry. This is mixed with the traditional New Zealand foods and drinks such as kiwifruit, bluff oysters among others. There are wines that have been prepared in New Zealand, mostly white wine. There are modern night clubs and bars within the country. The important public holidays that are unique to the country include Waitangi day, ANZAC day and Queen’s day. Others are Christmas, New Year, Labor Day and Boxing Day. With so many choices to relax, one can utilize the holidays to enjoy the beauty of the place. No need to leave the country. In addition to this, in New Zealand a great parade presents performances of the Paramount Carowinds presenting the countries beautiful nature and a ParamountKingsIsland as part of the WinterFest Holiday Celebration (Kopf, 1975).
New Zealand has tried to reserve its culture and to do this there is a minister who is appointed to address any issues relating to the Maori community. The Maori make 14 percent of the population .In addition to this a Resource Management Act was passed to help in sustaining the natural and physical resources (UN ESCAP, 2010). Further support in culture is found in the museums and art galleries and in a well developed film industry. There are historic sites that are older than 1000 years. The Treaty of Waitangi gave authority of land and culture to the Maori but it also established the British law in New Zealand. The countries policy has worked to preserve the culture of the indigenous but minority community. This means there is acceptance of other people’s values and differences. Diversity is recognized in this utopian country.