Part I: Generally speaking, religion has always been of high importance for me and my family. As a child I was raised Catholic by my mother side of the family and Christian Baptist by my dad, and that was rather complicated situation for me. Indeed, during my entire childhood, there was always a constant confliction between those two religions that both tend to assume that each one will save you and when death comes you will go to heaven. As far as it regards my current religious outlook, I am what I call “Christian”. As a rule, I do not go to church every Sunday, but I do pray before each meal to give God thank for all he has given to me, and, of course, I do pray every night as well. I reckon that the prayer is an important everyday custom that extensively helps me throughout my life. Perhaps, I am inclined to call myself Christian because I believe that there is God who created this world and everything that we have in our lives. Besides, now that I have my own family, I teach my kid to pray every night and for every meal we eat since I guess that it should be a sort of essential tradition in any family. However, I do not like to be ignorant and discuss or impose my opinion when it comes to this subject. In this respect, I have decided to study world religions since I have a strong desire to learn more about other religions in general. I feel that it is important for me to be capable to understand others and what they believe, want, and need. This point appears to be especially relevant in regard to people with completely different religious outlook. I suppose it might be difficult to fully understand the person of different religion but I still hope to achieve certain advancement in that field. Moreover, I want to learn about other perspectives just to see if this world still retains something that would make me feel more comfortable in life.
Part II: In general sense, religion might be defined as a grand narrative that makes the people’s lives meaningful and apprehensible. I guess that if religion did not exist, it would be impossible to make any sense out of the chaotic flow of events that take place in this world. Under such conditions, any person would feel terribly disoriented and unfortunate. And it is exactly religion that lets people prevent that from happening. Basically, even though different religions have their own specific features and peculiarities, all of them appear to present a certain narrative which proposes the comprehensive description of the world and the person’s place in it. More specifically, this narrative explains the complex inner logic which accounts for the events of the past, the present, and the future, and lets the person to understand that there are some divine forces that actually influence the fate of the world. In fact, it seems to me that the recognition of the existence of such divine forces already improves the people’s lives. Firstly, it lets the person to feel more relieved since it appears that there actually is a certain divine order in the seemingly random flow of everyday events. Secondly, and most importantly, the person realizes that there actually is God who assures that all things that happen contribute to the ultimate perfection of the world and people who inhabit it. As a matter of fact, God as the supreme creative force is constantly improving the world, and all the petty disasters which tend to happen throughout the history of the human society appear to be just the parts of God’s inconceivable plan to make the world perfect and let each person achieve the absolute happiness. In this respect, religion allows the person to render own life as meaningful, apprehensible, and generally more inspired than it could have been if there had been no religion at all. Besides, it provides the person’s life with tremendous emotional support since the genuine faith allows the person experience own life in a particularly sensible way that ensures that the paramount meaning of any current event is appropriately captured and taken into consideration.