Security intelligence is one of the critical topics in the entire world. The various changes in the technology, social organization, and the security arrangements in and among the states demand novel approaches and structures to ensure human security. For instance, terrorism, transnational crime and insurgency pose serious challenges to the intelligence and security structures. The new security structures and legal regimes are coming up and the traditional structures do not easily adapt to them. The societal organization’s shifts needs new approaches and structures for achieving the security and establishing the intelligence to support the policy requirements. This essay explores the emergence open source movement, terrorism early warning and the intelligence co-production as some of the new ways of approaching the intelligence, together with a role of research, the analytical tradecraft, and education as the potential drivers for the reform of intelligence.
The research problem
Because the Intelligence society employed the use of technology to increase its ability to collect information, intelligence analysts face an increasing stream of intelligence data but it has not made the relevant improvements in its analytical capability, and the intelligence analysts are putting into use of all the analytical methodologies that are available to them. This is because the intelligence analysts lack familiarity with the appropriate analytical tools and they are being overwhelmed by the amount of information that they are expected to analyze, contributing to what is referred to as analysis paralysis.
The experiment would test the truth of the understanding the need for intelligence, avoiding the syndrome of analyst’s reach, knowing the enemy and yourself, co-production intelligence, intelligence analysis cycle , utilization of HUMINT and Open source intelligence as the proposed suitable intelligence approaches that will improve the intelligence analys
Understanding the Need for Intelligence Reform
The intelligence is essential to formulating the sound policy and responses. The intelligence organization should establish where the danger lies and address the global threats of terrorism and strategic crimes. The organization should embrace the new approaches and support many of decision-makers than the traditional intelligence entities (Johnson K. 2007. Pg 116).
Avoiding the syndrome of analyst’s reach
When conducting the research, the analyst should not think that the required information is cannot be found in the society. Since the analyst is the one who is following the events in his/her area of expertise, he should possess the subject’s current knowledge and should not assume that the knowledge is within his/her reach. One should dig for the knowledge by checking with some other agencies that may be having the current information. Other sources such magazines, journals and even media should be used to get the current information about the subject.
Knowing the enemy and yourself
Knowing the opposing force’s capabilities and intentions is the major foundation of intelligence. In order to gain this knowledge, many intelligence disciplines must be involved. All this seeks to discern several essential elements of information for a decision-maker. It involves the weather, enemy, tactics and threat. Also, our own capabilities knowledge is vital because it assists in defining the information needs and place potential threats into the right operational context (Ranstop M. 2007. Pg 38).
Understanding and properly utilizing these intelligences will assist in addressing the information requirements for combating the global terrorism. The first difference is between the foreign and the domestic intelligence. This is important as it limits the activities of the intelligence agencies. This variation is based in the experience of the conflict among the states and is designed to preserve the liberties of citizens within a state and it limits the abuse of secret information as a form state coercion of the residents. In the America, this is seen in the separation of intelligence operations from the internal security and the law enforcement functions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the local police agencies that are concerned with the criminal intelligence. These same distinctions are seen in Secret Intelligence Service of the UK.
Co-Production of Intelligence
Basically all the intelligence seeks to inform decision. In order to achieve the understanding that is required in deciding the analysis and synthesis of ideas, concepts, actions, intentions and data, they are supposed to be put in context. When facing many diverse adversaries this is a difficult task that requires the collection and the analysis of timely, accurate and pertinent information. Since the criminals operate within some networks globally, a networked approach to both acquisition and interpretation of data is essential for both current and the new evolving threats. One example of the novel approach to developing a networked predictive intelligence analysis is the Terrorism Early Warning group concept that was started in Los Angeles in the year 1996. It brought together the local, state, and federal law enforcement and health analysts together with the respective private sector counterparts to develop the counterterrorism intelligence products for Los Angeles. Through this, Terrorism Early Warning group embraced the open source intelligence and the collaborative assessment and analysis. (Johnson K. 2007. Pg 123).
Intelligence Preparation for Operations
Intelligence preparation for operations is a civil analog to the military’s intelligence preparation of the battlefield. It is designed to serve response information requirement and can form the foundation for public-private interaction to develop the intelligence products needed in the addressing of complex networked threats. It also provides standard tools for the situational recognition, response rehearsal and course-of-action development. This process bridges the gap that exists between the deliberate planning and the crisis action planning for all facets of the unified multi-organizational response organization (Kantowitz H. 2005. pg 32)