1) What strategies are used to attract and advance women and ethically diverse individuals to senior management and roles throughout the organization?
The interviewee said that the key things that must be done to attract women and people of diverse backgrounds to roles in the organization is to foster an air of inclusiveness. The organization needs to open their arms to individuals and make them feel welcome and good about themselves. In their hiring practices they also have to reflect reality—the reality that certain people have been oppressed and they need to be compensated for that oppression. That is why they have an affirmative action program to hire people of diverse backgrounds.
2) What factors were described by the interviewee as essential for a healthy cultural diverse workforce?
The interviewee said that the key factor is respect. People may come from different backgrounds and have different life stories, but everyone must respect each other. It is important to try to put yourself in other peoples’ shoes and to see things from their perspective.
3) Discuss the manager/administrator’s Role within the organization
The manager coordinates the activities of the organizations, communicating with key stakeholders. The manager is also a problem-solver and is tasked with resolving disputes. An additional important role is providing foresight: looking to see what things can be improved in the future.