Critique of the title
The research approach that was used included the measure of the effectiveness of tools for negotiation which was the quantitative tools that were incorporated with the qualitative rational method. Here the population count of the hospital is used to give the opinion on the involvement of parents in caring for hospitalized care. Qualitative analysis involves the suggestions that have been put across by the population of nurses under question.
Philosophies that are centered on caring for the families are induced by policymakers and leaders of nursing groups and to say the truth about how these method works is quite ambiguous. This critique is just aimed at ensuring that the guidelines that have been put across assist nurses effectively in analyzing the desires of the parents in being included in the caring of their children.
Critique of the abstract
Simple tools should not be deliberated to formalize the role of negotiation and cooperation to improve dialogue between nurses and the parents. The major critique also in these tools is that the many differences present between nurses and parents when prospects and concerns of power and authority are involved inhibit the joint negotiation between families and the nurses (Roden, 2005).
Analysis of the Author’s Qualification
The methods that have been put forward by the author to ensure this effective communication between parents or guardians and nurses depict the qualifications which are grouped into the following. The first was pre and post intrusion study which resolute the author’s understanding of the nurses’ opinions on the workability of the documentary means to enhance parent-to-nurse association in assessing parental wish to be involved in their children’s activities while in the hospitals (Shields & Coyne, 206). Under his program nurses had several opinions concerning this practice. Some nurses thought that it would be wise if parents would only be asked questions during their child’s stay at the hospital. Some even proposed that the extended family was also allowed to intervene and help the children in the period that was available like three months duration. In the quasi-experimental method, all the nurses acted as their personal controls thus there was not much need for institutional curbs which meant to interfere with the nurses’ ability to freely choose.
The principles that are involved in the family-centered approach have faced continued criticism considering that nurses have a lot of queries about this practice and they think it infringes on their ability to do their work. There is also controversy in how the roles of the parents are incorporated into each other’s careers (Reeves, 2006). The point that I am bringing across is to allow the parents to do their maternal duties and the nurses to continue with their professional nursing duties. Maternal duties here are prescribed in the form of catering for life experiences and promoting proper values and virtues and shaping backgrounds.
Critique of the analysis
This critique that is raised here explains that nurses should investigate and understand the opportunities of involving parents directly in the child care and crucial support system. They should not discount the dire need to have extra information about the parents. In the actual sense, it is difficult to have a transparent form of intervention when important information is needed like surgical and medical sections where professional prowess is needed (Corlette, 2006).
Apart from the quantitative and the highly used qualitative analysis, another method is the use of the famous negotiation tool. This method gives a platform to nurses and parents for them to ask questions and analyze the degree to which they wanted to be involved in the child care program. This negotiation tool is in the form of a questionnaire that is issued to members of staff in the nursing profession. This method excludes the nurses who are sick, on maternal leave, or in a recreation process. It included the services of full-time and casual nurses were involved. This however left a big room for full dissemination of information as the nurses who for example were in maternal leaves had a different opinion altogether on this issue (Reeves, 2006).
Research Problem
A quasi-experimental method is used in research also applied in this context as it involves a control group of professional nurses who are chosen separately from the staff present in the hospital to act as an intervention squad or a group that carries out the negotiation process between parents and nurses on how to take care of children at the hospitals. According to Reeves (2006) he stated that in the quasi-experimental method all the nurses acted as their personal controls thus there was no much need for institutional curbs which meant to interfere with the nurses’ ability to freely choose.
Analysis of the research problem
This negotiation motive raised the knowledge of the parents on the vitality of effective communication with parents in hectic clinical activities. The conclusion that was raised here is that parents play a crucial role as a family center and care provision. Nurses in the pediatric department have resisted this parental involvement in what they call and I quote shared catering.
Critique of the research problem
The critique behind this notion is centered for fear of the unknown. First of all parents involvement in cases of hospitalized children can increase the rates of infection when the children can either be contaminated more by the parents in their interaction (Young, 2006). The children can also infect their parents in case they come into contact. The fear here is that the disease will spread among the rest of the family members.
The method that involves questionnaires has also been criticized as carrying a lot of work load to the participating party. The nurses have a lot to indulge in while carrying out their normal operations in the hospital thus they limited time to spend while answering questions. This is not all; the nurses lose a lot of influence and control of the children who have been hospitalized. Parents who want their involvement in child care while in hospital deprive their children of enjoying the care from the highly experienced nurses (Shields & Coyne, 2006).
Another critique based on the statistical test is the poor observance to routine or the normal working of hospital operations which may affect the deliverance of service to the hospitalized children. Visiting of parents in hospitals according to them should be limited in spite of the negative psychological impact it may have on the recovering children when they are separated from their parents. To explain this motive a child is said to respond better when in a strange environment that medically instigates the development of hormones that will hasten the recovery process.
Literature Review
Health professions have huge expectations on the levels of parenthood and how it is involved in the negotiation process and they argue that nurses only tolerate parents when in the child care center rather than encouraging them actively. This revelation has prompted many parents to feel obligated by nurses who only take their participation in child care sustainability for granted. This has made the parents openly declare in the negotiations that their mothers will be allowed to achieve their maternal goal while the nurses are clearly let to finish their own professional duties (Lee, 2007).
To examine this negotiation process between the professional nurses and the parents the experimental model called quasi is most effective. It examines the documentary model or method that facilitates concession and communication with the nurses’ view concerning the involvement of parents in the child care criterion. This process results in sharing of the decision-making process as far as the child’s health is concerned.
Critique of the Literature Review
Lack of efficient communication has been argued by critics to prevent sincere and mutual communication or negotiation between the parents and nurses. These methods are also criticized to cause a lot of misunderstanding between these two professions technically speaking as many issues will have to be addressed such as power and authority. Studies that have been carried out about parental inclusion in the care of hospitalized children clearly depicted that parents were more than willing to be involved in the general care but the nurses communicated so poorly with them and even ended up limiting the amount of information that they were giving out on the progress of the child. This critique was forwarded over to the negotiation method which was established as one of the most effective in handling this issue of caring for hospitalized children.
The research design
The research approach that is used in family care involves both quantitative and qualitative approaches which are rational forms as they handle the perspective of nurses as well as parents of hospitalized children. This approach is further divided into prospective (cross-sectional) and retrospective or latitudinal. The retrospective approach involves communication between nurses and parents in a cross-sectional manner. Decision-making is done at the same table without having to hold closed meetings of one party alone. The prospective approach involves negotiations between nurses alone who make decisions for the hospitalized child then inform parents.
Participants and Sampling
A population that participated in this research design comprised of nurses in the intervention group and when compared to those in the control group they gave up to 70% of the statements that were analyzed in the hospital to give the mean response of the nurses. Mostly they comprised of the enrolled nurses in the intervention and control wards with high academic qualifications as well as pediatric extensions.
They were sampled in accordance with the requirements of the negotiating tool method used in assessing parental inclusion in child care. These instruments mentioned are pre-tested to ensure their validity and also they are reliable for any reference that is needed. These instruments include the common negotiation care tool, documentary tool as well as the practice continuous tool.
Critique of the Research design
In the negotiating method, nurses feel reluctant to loosen their control over their hospital duties. This in turn can make the parents on their turn to feel discouraged as their power and skills are not needed in this crucial point of the life of their children. When the documentary tool was used critiques bring the notion that this method was only efficient in particular areas where there was limited family care. The nurses who were involved in this method of the documentary model had a higher rate of faking their involvement of parents in this care. The nurses can falsely indicate how the parents asked questions about their child’s stay in the hospital and also invited other relatives to participate (Lee, 2007).
Another critique is of the opinion that the monetary pressures and employment strategies affect the working arena. This means that the time for asking the questions by the parents is automatically reduced when there is a shorter time limit upon the child’s stay in the hospital. It has also been established that though a parent can have a tough desire to be with his or her child it does not have to be interpreted that he or she wants to be in the child care service.
Parental involvement in caring for hospitalized children has been argued to be a basis for stress and multiple mystifications, especially to nurses. The documentation method needs to have a clear plotted-out policy that shows parental desires about providing care so as to inhibit any form of confusion. The use of negotiation care tools provides the chance for nurses and parents to ask any questions and ensure transparency. The advantages of having an efficient communication system are that the results of negotiation have a care instability of the varying experiences of the nurses and the parents (Roden, 2005).
Changes in the parent’s expectations are also frequently reviewed so that any changes are monitored and they would not have to feel enforced to do what did not conform to their child’s care and genuine support. Nurses who used negotiation care tools were not in a position to complain of parents’ disturbance in their regular chores or even with questions that may end up causing misunderstanding. This is argued to be an increase in the workload in the medical hospital inhibiting the nurse from performing as expected. This tool clearly outlined the schedule of the hospital so that parents would easily know of the time that was most suitable to come and visit their children while in hospital.
There is another method that is very common in ensuring care when the family was concerned. This method is called Practice Continuous Tool which puts into practice family care in the medical scene. Its only problem is that it requires that its users need to have the needed interpersonally to empower children and their parents (Corlette, 2006).
In conclusion, it is worthwhile noting that as parental involvement in child care is approved as core to pediatric success or nursing career nurses themselves have expressed the dire necessity for their partnership with parents and relatives to be much less. The failure of the organization has been identified as one reason why the nurses do not support family care of hospitalized children. However, negotiation care tool that has enabled proper communication between parents and nurses has enabled the nurses to have a positive perception I sharing information and making decisions with parents of hospitalized children even in a hectic medical environment.