The selection of the topic was based on the increased incidences of the medical errors and patient safety becoming a significant issue for policy reform in several countries. The perspective approach of this paper is research in the healthcare organizations. The safety of the patient is an element of health care protocols that reduces or eliminates the occurrence and effect of adverse situations and maximizes improvement from such situations. Organizations of healthcare have a duty to offer a safe atmosphere to keep patients from injury in the process of receiving care (Wachter, 2008). Healthcare facilities also have an obligation to set up obligatory systems and procedures to encourage the safety of the patient. This paper analyzes the ethical and legal concepts, including particular federal regulations, required of organizations of health care to make sure that there is a high quality health care delivery that protects the safety of the patient.
Ethics is regarded as the attempt to get justifiable reasons for differentiating the right and the wrong in human deeds and ways of life. Ethics in health policy is concerned with quality health care delivery and financing in the healthcare organization. For this reason, ethics is a bridge linking policies of health and values, where principles are identified as guidelines and reasons medical staff use for selecting priorities and goals in the promotion of health and patient’s safety (Carroll, 2010). Regulations of ethics are usually developed by a professional community in a specific profession, and the health care organization is not exempted.
Healthcare practitioners need to practice the degree of skill and care which could rationally be expected of a standard and prudent expert (Sorrell, 2008). Healthcare organizations need to provide service with complete respect for the self-esteem of humanity, sustain the respect and high standards of the profession and acknowledge its disciplines, seek to constantly enhance the awareness and skills in the medical profession, and take part in further service actions targeted to improve the health and safety of patients (McLean & Mason, 2003).
The ethics of professions in the healthcare organization include an obligation to place the patient ahead of the professional well-being in several issues and circumstances (Krause, Hidley & Pinakiewicz). This fundamental matter of ethics in the medical profession is occasionally regarded as trust. When making judgments, the healthcare provider should have the patient’s health in mind, and also the safety of the patient needs to be put first. Evidently, the health and the safety of the patient should be supported by the healthcare professionals (Rowell, 2003). Continuous process of learning from previous mistakes is important for healthcare professional.
Healthcare organizations and providers are obligated to a legal responsibility of health care and safety of their patients (McClelland, 2004). The effectiveness of a healthcare exercise needs to be assessed against accepted standards at a specific point of time. Patient may establish that he or she suffered harm due to the failure of the healthcare provider to meet the required standard of care, or patient may present a negligence accusation against the provider and also the healthcare facility. Research has shown that patients may even sue regional governments for supposedly failing to provide sufficient funding to facilities of health (McClelland, 2004).
Law plays a significant role in patient safety promotion. Legal rules institute standards that providers of healthcare and others need to meet and also discourage exercises that are below an acknowledged standard. Standards concerning disclosure of information in the context of healthcare guarantee that patients acquire information they might require to make sound choices and to follow the claims for harms where the mistake that brought undesirable situation was negligent (Vikki & Oliver, 2006).
Healthcare organizations need to perform in ethical and legal boundaries, prepare and keep medical records, accurately arrange documentation, execute and sustain federal and government legislation and regulations of healthcare, comply with constituted procedures of risk management and safety. They also need to identify professional credentialing criterion.
There are various federal regulations required of health organizations in the promotion of patient safety. One of the federal regulations includes identification of a set of measurements of patient safety critical to the medical errors identification. Another regulation is classifying a set of practices regarding patient safety critical to medical errors prevention. The third regulation is recognizing matters related to execution of obligatory reporting for reduction of error. Establishing the most helpful way to present information on the occurrence of medical mistakes to the public is also a federal regulation. Healthcare organizations need to take reasonable steps to make sure that medical staffs abide by the established procedures in order to promote patient safety (Sharpe, 2003).
Patient safety has become a major issue in the medical profession hence healthcare organizations need to consider various ethical and legal concepts as well as federal regulations which are necessary to promote the safety of the patient while providing quality healthcare. Efforts to reduce the medical errors which lead to adverse incidences have been substantial in some countries. Some forces make implementing the concepts discussed above tricky, most particularly a fixed belief in the efficiency of punishment for the prevention of error and a belief abundantly reinforced by disciplinary legal and regulatory schemes. Ironically, instead of enhancing safety, penalty makes decreasing error much harder by providing powerful encouragement for individuals to conceal their mistakes, hence preventing recognition, investigation, and correction of fundamental causes.