To begin with, personality is a composition of traits and characteristics that define an individual. In other words, personality is behaviors, mindsets, and opinions that make a person different from others. However, personality crops from within a person and mostly tends to be consistent for the entire life of that person. In connection to this, there are some basic characteristics of personality which include brunt behaviors and actions, regularity, and numerous expressions. This is to say that there are many ways in which personality can be demonstrated. In fact, personality causes individuals to act in different ways in certain situations.
Personality dynamics refer to the different systems of functioning in human beings. In addition to this, there are five major personality dynamics which include physical-emotional, emotional –mental, mental-physical, and emotional-physical. To be specific, these are five major personality dynamics that differentiate one person to another and have remained in focus for every human dynamic in any organization. Nevertheless, all personality dynamics are important and should be treated equally. This is because there is no form of creation that’s better than the other. In essence, it’s the way each personality dynamic functions that is totally different. It should also be noted that personality dynamism is not only equal but they complement each other in many different ways (Vallacher, Read, & Nowak, 2002).
However, if these differences that exist among individuals are not recognized then they may cause conflicts due to lack of understanding. On the other hand, if these differences are noticed and understood coaching and studying can be thriving. This is because people get to know how to maximize each other potential, therefore, changing their differences into resources rather than burdens. Inconsistent with this, tutors and parents should not use the personality dynamics to judge students but rather assist them in the development of their personalities and how to relate with others. Along with this, there are no specific ways of testing the personality dynamics of an individual. This is because personality is a progression of self-discovery which cannot be recognized at once.
Needless to say, personality dynamics also include the ways in which an individual can cope or change to accommodate difficulties and chances that life offers. Along with this, the cognitive process is basically how individuals think, their beliefs, what they think about others, and their future prospects. On the other hand, culture refers to the way of life of an individual. In connection to this, different cultures expect different things from their members. Some cultures believe on individualism while others believe on communalism (Vallacher, Read, & Nowak, 2002). It is this demands that different cultures place on individuals that shape their thinking. Following this point, cognitive process and culture has a lot of influences on the personality dynamics of an individual. Actually, how people think and what they believe in determines their motivations, expressions as well as their attitudes. In the same line of thought, cultures facilitate the development of different types of personalities through reinforcement and prospects. From this perspective, how individuals perform their day to day activities especially in solving problems owes so much on their backgrounds as well as their way of thinking.
Notably, there are many important factors that influence personality which include biological and life experiences. In fact, some scholars agree with the psychoanalytic proposal which points out that the difference in personality between men and women is purely genetic. In the same line of thought, women are known to be better placed in both verbal and emotional expression as compared to men. On the other hand, men are better placed in logical reasoning which makes them good decision-makers. It should therefore be noted that even without the socially dictated gender roles, the biological make up of an individual is enough to tell some personalities of that person (Vallacher, Read, & Nowak, 2002).
Along with this, the experiences of an individual throughout the different stages of life contribute so much to the personality of that individual. Nevertheless, the experiences one gets at an early age tend to have a lot of impact on his/her personality. This is because at the early stage of life an individual is trying to get used to their new environment for the first time. Moreover, in the rest of the stages, the experiences tend to be repeated over again.
As a matter of fact, understanding personality is fundamental in the field of counseling. In essence, as a counselor, one is supposed to know and understand the different types of personalities so as to be in a position to handle people with different personalities. For example, a counselor cannot handle a client who is emotionally attached to things the same way as that who is just physically attached. However, counselors must not specialize in the field of their personalities so as to be effective counselors. The most important thing is to get into the field of counseling and specialize in any area of interest. At this point, a counselor will be in a position to handle personality disorders concerned with his/her field successfully (Corey, 2008).
Above and beyond, personality is a composition of traits and characteristics that define an individual. In fact, personality causes individuals to act in different ways in certain situations. On the other hand, Personality dynamics refer to the different systems of functioning in human beings. Moreover, personality dynamics are not only equal but they complement each other in many different ways. Additionally, when these personality dynamics are understood then the people will be in a better place to maximize each other’s potential rather than criticize. Nevertheless, biological and life experiences influences are some of the vital factors that influence personality. Finally, personality comprehension is one of the fundamentals in the field of counseling. This is because unless a counselor is able to recognize the personality of the client he/she may not be able to assist that person effectively. This is because the understanding and perception of individuals are different.