Analysis essays
Get ready to elevate your analysis essay writing skills! Filled with inspiring examples, this page is your ultimate guide to creating a top-notch analysis essay.
The Last Supper
The painting under analysis is The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. It was made in 15th century during the period of Renaissance. This painting became a starting point of this period for the art history. Having all the advantages of the period in art during the time of creation of this masterpiece Leonardo da […]
Causes and Effects of Divorce
Divorce is one of the most unpleasant realities of the modern life. Divorce, according to the level of a stress, is on the second place after the death of the spouse or the close relative. Indeed, whatever causes a divorce had, pain is inevitable. The causes of the divorce can be different. If the relations […]
What is Justice?
Justice has different meanings for different people. These meanings or opinions can be formed from a personal experience or just from an observation of how a situation is handled. Justice can be associated with numerous areas ranging from culture, environment, or society. It does not necessarily have to happen publicly, it can be a personal […]
Impact of Mass Media Essay Sample
Impact of Mass Media on Society Essay Sample Modern mass media makes a huge psychological influence on consciousness and the formation of human identity. The role of mass media is connected with its influence on various stages and sides of the information process in the society. The flow of information in the modern world is […]
Character Analysis of Princess Shahrazad
Princess Shahrazad is a legendary storyteller in a well-known Middle East collection of folk stories known as the Arabian Nights or One Thousand and One Nights. The Persian king Shahryar demands to have a new young virgin girl every night to sleep with and then to be beheaded. Shahrazad volunteers to be one of those […]
What is Culture Shock?
Culture shock is a problem that disturbs people who travel abroad. Culture shock breaks out when the person is far from the family, hears the sound of foreign language, misunderstands people of another nation and is unfamiliar with food. Culture shock is the state of feeling different way, moreover, it is a state when everything […]
Concert Attendance Report
I have recently been to a concert of orchestra music. I cannot say that I am a true connoisseur of orchestra music, but the pieces I was listening to have really won my heart. The first piece I was listening to was “Fabric” by Henry Cowell, who is known as the composer who likes rhythm. […]
Diet for a Dead Planet
Judging by the putrescent greenish jacket with skull-and-crossbones image, Diet for a Dead Planet: How the Food Industry Is Killing Us promises to be revelatory and outrageous about the American food industry. Indeed, it lives up to the reader’s expectations, exploring the stomach-churning reality of slaughterhouses, farms, grocery stores and supermarkets that are after making […]
Claude Monet Paintings
Claude Monet (1840-1926) is a world famous French painter who made a great contribution to development of impressionism style in France and other countries. Impressionism style used by Monet, presupposed generating an image of the future painting in his mind and transforming it into an actual painting through a plenty of small colored brush strokes. […]
New Years Sacrifice by Lu Xun
Lu Xun New Year’s Sacrifice Essay Introduction Many people feel like strangers in the world. They seek comfort, understanding, encouragement, or, at least, kindness, which in the aggregate help them live through the toughest times. If instead, they encounter coldness, rejection, and mockery, they naturally develop a sense of alienation from society. Lu Xun invites […]
Persuasion, Manipulation and Seduction
Mostly, human communication requires attempts to impact. Communication can be verbal and non-verbal; honest and dishonest; conscious and unconscious. “Some people’s opinion and actions may be questioned with logic and reason or by character and emotions”. It is obvious that the opportunity to persuade is a desired means for anybody, irrespective of the fact how […]
Sport in the UAE
The United Arab Emirates has already been strongly affirmed on the international sports scene. A large number of competitions of the world level on different types of sports take place in the country. Jumping, auto racing, golf, tennis, football, rugby, cricket, sailing, boat racing, and many other sports are widespread here. These events not only […]
Summary of the Interview
The interview was conducted according to the planned agenda, although the interviewer included a few questions that erupted during the interview without special preparation. The interviewee was Professor Kim of Yonsei University, South Korea. He was chosen for the interview as the interviewer was interested in the fields of business and marketing, and the interviewee […]
Allegory of the Cave
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave highlights his belief that true knowledge lies under superficial appearances and uneducated people can see only shadows of real objects, which they wrongly perceive as an undeniably true representation of reality. Plato argues that the ultimate purpose of education is not to transfer knowledge from a teacher to a student […]
Device for Extracting Water
The author of the article concentrates on the new device for extracting water from air, named DewPointe DH9 Atmospheric Water Purification System. The principle this system works on is very simple, as it is based on capturing the moisture from the air and converting it in the purified drinking water. The DH9’s advantage is in […]
On Being the Right Size
Haldane commences the article with the statement of obvious — scientists never compare animals based on the size they have. The author provides an example from the story about Jack the Giant Killer, making a point that the bigger are the height and weight, the thicker and stronger bones are required in order to support […]