Research essays
Get ready to elevate your research essay writing skills! Filled with inspiring examples, this page is your ultimate guide to creating a top-notch research essay.
Florence Nightingale
The research paper is a critical analysis of Nightingale Florence life and contribution to nursing. Her contribution in politics, statistics and health care are brought forth in this paper. Florence Nightingale has been thought to be one of the most radical and influential figures of her century and has been hailed for that during her […]
Nike and Adidas Websites
This paper analyses two websites,, and that are concerned with the advertisement of two sports companies, Adidas and Nike. The Nike home page features a radial structure where the links have been arranged in a circular manner alongside the edges of the page, these links are namely, at the top: products, featured videos, […]
Underground Railroad Communication
Underground railroads are not actual railroads built underground. Between the years 1850-1860 when slavery was at its height in America, the underground railroads served as escape routes for slaves who wanted so much to gain their freedom back. It could be observed that through the years, the consideration placed upon the being of the slaves […]
Pills and Power Tools
Sexual function versus dysfunction is a matter of performance rather than the people’s pleasure. To attain sexual pleasure, a man should be able to keep his erection for as long as he and his partner could like. The one and the most male sexual dysfunction recently is erectile dysfunction. Since this problem is affecting many […]
Scrambling Through Cryptography
Hash algorithms are functions that convert strings into number or numeric codes. They are often used in changing error codes and cryptography. Hash algorithms are designed in such a manner that each algorithm has a definitive hash value .In their use in cryptography, password hashes may be send to a server and weighed against the […]
Types of Insurance
Liability insurance is insurance where the policy holder is insured against claims for losses or damages on another party. The insurance policy caters for actions and omissions as result of negligence which damages property of other parties, the parties themselves or goes against their legal rights. The transport industry is the one which led to […]
Microsoft Products
The Microsoft products include both hardware and software. Microsoft hardware include: mobile devices, and all computers hardware. The software products also range from all windows mobile software to personal computers software. My major key areas of interest in their products is the development software, windows mobile phones (software and hardware), and home and education software. […]
Natural Disasters
Some countries have been attacked by natural disasters over and over again. Though the disasters are usually unpredictable and can attack any area, there are measures that countries can adopt so that they can reduce their effect and also mitigate the damages caused by these natural disasters. Many countries in Southern Asia are usually victims […]
Data Network Fundamentals
Data network is the electronic ability to exchange information/ facts (data) among computers or devices connected to each other. Data networking can also be defined as the electronic process which enables data like letters and any other documents. Thus the main reason for the creation of data networks is to share these specific resources-data. Data […]
Data Warehousing
A data warehouse is a tool whose purpose is to keep data and can be link it up and exhibited. A data warehouse incorporates data from various origins and it lets users to inhabit the data into reports that respond to definite requests. The difference between the normal system of dealing in the daily operations, […]
Effective Interviewing Methods
The purpose of conducting interviews is to determine if there is a match between the job seeker and the job itself. An interview can only be considered successful if the interviewer manages to establish the interviewee’s behavior, values, motivations, as well as qualifications. Interview process starts with planning by the interviewing firm. Job requirements, duties, […]
Sexual Addiction
Sex addiction, commonly referred to as nymphomania in women or satyriasis in males, is a psychological condition characterized by compulsive sexual thoughts and acts. Its causes include: exposure to phonographic materials at a young age, physical or sexual abuse, drugs such as apomorphine and dopamine replacement therapy, family traits such as alcoholism, compulsive eating and […]
Ethics in Genetic Engineering
Positive and negative effects As Aristotle once said that it’s useless to know what is good and not know how to achieve it. But the process of achieving what is good may have its positive and negative effects. We shall try to examine the positive and negative sides of human genetic engineering. Human genetic engineering […]
Ground Zero Heroes and Heroines
In one of the most despicable and cowardly acts of terrorism, the whole building of the World Trade Center, New York was totally destroyed on September 11, 2001 by hijacking and ramming two civilian planes into the building. The material loss as well as that of human life was profound, with the travelers and crew […]
Precious Activities for a Prison
A prison is a place in which people are physically confined and, regularly, deprived of a stretch of delicate freedoms. Other terms are penitentiaries, correctional ability, and jail (or goal), while in the United States “jail” and “prison” present to different subtypes of correctional talent (Hawkins, G 1982). In this assignment, we have to detect […]
The Johari Window
A Johari window is a cognitive psychosomatic tool that is recurrently used to support people to comprehend their interpersonal communication and relationships. It is principally and extensively used in self help groups as well as communal settings as a heuristic exercise. In performing this fundamental exercise the subject under argument is usually given a complete […]