Research essays
Get ready to elevate your research essay writing skills! Filled with inspiring examples, this page is your ultimate guide to creating a top-notch research essay.
Alcohol Addiction in Teenagers
This topic is an essential part of the present society and touches almost all sections of the society, including parents, teenagers, school administrations, and churches. There has been a notable increase in the level of moral decadence especially among the young generation. This has been as a result of the lack of sufficient parenting techniques […]
Time Pressure
Scholars define time pressure as the phenomenon that subjects consumers to considerable pressure to acquire a given commodity or service within limited time. This time pressure comes to the occasion by a number of varying factors. One of the factors leading to consumer time pressure is seasonality of a given commodity. When a commodity that […]
How does Globalization Affect on People Behavior Globalization is the increase in the interconnection of countries in the world through trade, technology and finance. It is the process through which the world’s economies merge as a result of innovations and through technological innovations, which have created one global village. The impact of globalization on economies […]
Communicating Through Conflict
Many employees claim that dealing with complicated and difficult workmates is the most stressful element of their jobs. The following are the eight key rules that may help in dealing with such individuals. Remaining Calm. Human beings are emotional personalities, who often react to the emotions of the people in their surroundings. Thus, staying calm […]
Water Pollution in Guyana
Water pollution is one of the environmental hazards that the modern world is faced with. The United Nations and the G8 Nations have held crisis meetings aimed at finding lasting solutions to the issue. However, very few attempts and efforts have been successful in reducing or stopping water pollution. With the increasing level of industrialization […]
Creation of Narrative Films
The creation of narrative films is a result of decades of evolution in the film industry due to technological, economic, ideological, cultural, and artistic factors. Today, the modern filmmaking industry is quite different from what it was several years ago. More importantly, the influence of narration in the film industry marks one of the last […]
Solutions to Ethical Dilemma
Moral characters of actions determining ethical character actions have seen the thoughts pointing to the results as well as to particular actions. In between the characters, wide array of factors regarding human actions results in certain moral consequences. The factors outlook the conflicts theoretically, but in practice compliments one another. In identifying and hence resolving […]
Supernatural Power
Supernatural Power and Anger Management Concept Supernatural powers tend to exist beyond and above nature, and its abilities appear to overpower the bounds of possibility. The individuals who support supernatural explanations claim that, the naturalistic means cannot explain the present, past and the future mysteries and complexities of the universe. The use of supernatural powers […]
Marketing Research
The dynamic nature of the mobile phone and more specifically the Smart phone industry means that business market is a continuous battle. In order to stay ahead of the competition, the blackberry developers need to inspire their consumers with innovation in the products they offer to the market. In order to maintain market share blackberry […]
Fashion in the Middle East
According to Webster’s dictionary, fashion is described as “the prevailing style of dress or the prevailing custom”. Different countries have different fashion. For example, in America, fashion plays a big role in society. It means that Americans wear clothes for various reasons, like protection, religion, identification, and attention. Americans also follow famous people in terms […]
World Food Problems
The world produces enough food and agricultural products that are more than sufficient to satisfy the great demand, at least for many decades ahead of it. However, the world is still faced with a serious crisis for food. People worldwide have been affected in one way or another by a shortage of food, especially caused […]
Mobile Phone Use
Almost every adult and child owns a mobile phone, as it is considered to be one of the most popular inventions in the world technological era. As such, cell phones have turned out to be an integral part of the contemporary life, as phones make life easier and more convenient.Technology with the need to keep […]
Human Factors in Occupational Safety
Non-powered tools are used in a large number of industries. National data indicates that a high number of injury cases, also known as musculoskeletal disorders, are caused by hand tools. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) identifies the importance of proficient design in hand tools as a means of reducing accidents. Besides […]
Mental Health Services
Mental health simply describes the state of not having a mental disorder. It is the state of being psychologically sound and stable. It can go on to include the ability of an individual to express emotion and feeling in a way that relates to the feeling at the moment. This ability is regarded to be […]
Ergot Poisoning
Problems in Salem started in January 1692, during the cold winter in Massachusetts, when eight young girls started getting ill. The first one was Elizabeth Paris who was nine years old, followed by eleven-year-old Abigail Williams. Their symptoms were an odd skin sensation, violent convulsions, deliriousness, and incomprehensible speech. The village said the girls were […]
Roommate Conflict in College
Roommate conflict is a trait or an event that is unavoidable. This is because when two or more people live together in one environment, conflict will become inevitable. However, this does not mean that conflict has to be a terrible thing. Conflict can be used positively to help the students to gain essential skills in […]