Research essays
Get ready to elevate your research essay writing skills! Filled with inspiring examples, this page is your ultimate guide to creating a top-notch research essay.
Privileged Communication
In the scopes of this paper the patients’ information confidentiality would be discussed in the light of the following issues: written information, reproducing patient information and computer information, While discussing the written information, it is important to rely to the following does and don’ts. First of all, the secure place of storage should be created […]
The Impact of Violence in Video Games
Violence in computer games is an actual and essential problem for the public. There is an ambiguous opinion on this matter. Is it possible to consider it as a positive factor or as a negative? How does virtual violence influence the player, and does it influence in general? This paper will analyze the situation which […]
Food Safety
The problem of food quality and safety is vital for every person. This is an important task facing not only the workers of the food industry; it is subject to every person in the world. Our health, working capacity, quality of life, both health and life of future generations depends on what we eat. How […]
Using Cell Phones while Driving
The drivers, both driving their own car or public transport, are quite often seen on the roads speaking on the phone during the traffic. Meanwhile, such irresponsible individuals threaten the traffic safety. According to scientists’ researches, the drivers who use mobile phones during the traffic, even through hands-free headsets, are as dangerous as drunk drivers. […]
Future of Robotics
Practically no fantast and even no ordinary realist would risk describing the future society without robots, in particular, androids. It is clear that now one can see the prototypes which show the achievements of the scientists and engineers in this direction. Though there are still a number of unresolved technical tasks, it is possible to […]
Effect of the Positive Behavior
A person lives in the artificially created environment. Big and small settlements, dwellings, furniture, equipment, practically, all surrounding material world is the reality, which forms and imfluence the person. The analysis of the environment allows looking at the processes of perception and the mechanisms explaining the behavior of people in the real world in a […]
Philosophy of Love and Sex
Probably, there is no more tactical and at the same time taboo subject than a subject of sex. This part of a human life has been ignored for a long time and even completely denied. Today human community is concerned with the other extremity, since sex is commercialized and is actively maintained in advertizing and […]
Professional Athletes
Up to 1960’s of the XX century, sports activity was generally the destiny of fans and was considered as noncommercial, however, by the beginning of the XXI century sports had turned into a profitable business. Now, its monetary turns are enormous, and it actively competes to the other types of entertainment in the market of […]
Classical Theatre
People got used to go to the theater for the sake of an entertainment, for the sake of a more or less interesting show. They do not see that those people who live and feel on the stage are similar to the audience; watching the actors’ play, they laugh at themselves and cry over themselves. […]
Motherhood and Fatherhood
The most “socially saturated and poetically sung concept connected with the birth and bringing up a child is motherhood”. It is based not only on natural and biological factors, but on social and cultural, as well. Thesis statement: fatherhood is the most important condition of development of the identity of the child along with the […]
The Problem of Induction
As far as the problem of induction is concerned, its essence boils down to the support of inductive methods, which are inherent in scientific inference and imply, according to Hume, that “instances, of which we have had no experience resemble those, of which we have had experience”. It is difficult to justify these methods for […]
Domestic Violence Recidivism
Millions of women and girls live in countries where empirical researches on the extent of their exposure to violence are very small.Existing studies suggest that approximately from one quarter to one third of them are abused by men. There are physical, psychological and sexual types of violence against women and children.It should be noted that […]
Solar Panels
Solar energy is one of the alternative kinds of energy, based on the direct use of solar radiation for energy production in any form. Solar power is used as a renewable source of energy. Moreover, it is environmentally friendly and does not generate hazardous waste. The first solar panels capable of converting solar energy into […]
Psychological Effects of an Absent Father
In the book Fatherless America: Confronting our Most Urgent Social Problem, David Blankenhorn (1995) asserts that father’s absence is the most harmful demographic tendency of the present younger generation. It is the main reason for the decrease in children’s well-being in society. Father’s absence is a root of the most acute social problems, such as […]
Development of Healthy Relationships
The main point is that everyone seek for healthy interpersonal relationships. Good intimate relationships between genders bring more happiness and satisfaction in life than any money. However, nowadays scientists and psychologist still argue about love and various theories of attraction, intimacy, love, and healthy interpersonal relationships. One of the theories of attraction state that the […]
Compound Microscopy
A compound microscope is an instrument used to view objects in the laboratory. Its main use is to make the objects that are not observable with the naked eye be visible using the microscope. We have the electronic type of microscope that gives finer details of an object to be viewed. It’s common in the […]